Posts by Desmond Hyde

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Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David The alerts for various events are now working. I was looking at other alternatives like trying to introduce wakelocks etc into the mainactivity.xml files But considering the alerts now work it is fair to assume the plugin is now working. I will now try to process data in the background. Your commitment to this project is really appreciated and your service is top class Thank you so much I will continue to spread the word about your product. Regards Des

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)

Hi David

Thanks for the input but Im afraid to say this doe snto work on the device

if you use your code then the alert works

but if you use the below code the alert does not work which tell me an error runs when the cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.setEnabled(true); is initiated

Does the code work on your device using the below ?

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David No luck using it on Android my device, alert message doe snot display which means the cordova error is not recognised

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David Where is the AB Run BAT file located

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David I ran the cordova_android_run.bat file into device simulator if the code works then Alert('Hi'); would activate, but it does not

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David when using cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.enable(); Error: "'cordova' is undefined" - Line: 1258 - Char: 1 - Code: 0 - Url: when using cordova.plugins.backgroundMode.setEnabled(true); Error: "'cordova' is undefined" - Line: 1260 - Char: 1 - Code: 0 - Url:

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)
Hi David I used your last suggesttion (Custom) cordova-plugin-better-background-mode and the Cordova.backgroundMode is now installed to the plugins folder but I am still getting the error Error: "Unable to get property 'setEnabled' of undefined or null reference" - Line: 1260 - Char: 1 - Code: 0 - Url: on the below script which I am running in the ready event App.Cordova.backgroundMode.setEnabled(true); Alert('Hi');

Desmond Hyde (In thread: Using cordova-plugin-background-mode)


I am attempting to use the cordova-plugin-background-mode in App builder

I have managed to install plugin in the MyApp_Compiled/plugins folder by using CALL cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-background-mode as an after batch transaction

I have then used the jscript feature in the same way you have in your cordovaplugin sample whereby i have a script title test1 which contains 2 lines

i run the test1 script by linking it to a button click event after the app device is ready or loaded

Yet I continuously get the following error when running it tells me cordova is undefined,

If I run this in a simulation as a device the script does not run

please help :)

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