So would this be a legal way of getting a return value from an AB JS function?
Here is an example of what I am doing:
As you can see, I am assuming I can set a variable in the StartJS/EndJS.
Would I do the same thing with passing arguements in JS? Does the "window.App.RootScope.SomeVariable" allow me to pass AB vars into a JS function?
I wrote some custom Javascript functions in the AB functions area.
How can I call this function and assign the return value to a variable? If it is JS does it need to wrapped in the StartJS/EndJS tags?
When I create a Cordova build, how can I include a sqlite file? I have added the sqlite file to the app files manager and it sets the path to the file automatically. Can the database file reside there or does it have to be a different location?
If I do something like this in JS
I am not sure what location:'default' is in relation to where AB want to put included files.
Right, but what if the JS code between the StartJS and the EndJS actions performs something that returns a value from an external JS file or similar, can I set that returned JS variable to an AB variable?
Yes, I looked at that. But, what about accessing JS objects from AB controls and actions?
If I create Javascript in between the StartJS / EndJS actions -or- include an external JS file, are the objects visible in scope just by using
How would I access the custom JS objects in AB actions and embedded JS?
Thank you.
Thanks for your help David.
Where do I find the Network plugin for Cordova?
So, here is my use case for my app.
I am writing an application for a company in British Columbia Canada that contracts with the electrical utility. I created a web application that takes in the contract given to my client, and parses it out into individual tasks. They will have the tasks accesible by the Android device. Some of the work they do takes them into very remote areas of British Columbia and so I need to be able to download records to take offline.
I have already written a web api in C# and I am retrieving records into AB fine.
One contract will have about 500 related tasks and between 5,000 and 9,000 task detail rows.
I have seen some people here using Pouch DB and I am curious of anyones experience in offline data.
I am trying to install this plugin:
but, I don't understand what needs to installed or downloaded.
Can you be of assistance or maybe someone who has added plugins to AB?
Deleting the compile folder did not help. I sent you an email with my project attached.
These two errors just starting. I dont understand what they are:
Chrome debugger:
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