Posts by Ryan Sytsma

Show threads by Ryan Sytsma
109 posts found, page 1 of 8

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: TypeAhead and SelectEx controls)
Reinstalling worked. Thank you!

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: TypeAhead and SelectEx controls)
I cannot add these controls from the toolbox of 2021.5 I get an error that the control(s) cannot be found. Ryan

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: App Builder 2020 for new project)
Hi David, I am considering using App Builder 2020 for a new project beccause it is using Vue.js. This project is fairly large. I am curious. After I hand off the source code to a client, could they continue to develop the app in Vue if they did not want to use App Builder, or if your product were no longer on the market for some reason?

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)
So I could check it with StrLen or see if it is ""

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)

If a local storage option does not hold a value or does not exist, will it be null or undefined?

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)

it was a variable naming issue

Thanks for your help and I hope you are staying healthy under these strange times

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)

Here is my test

DebugAlert is my own function

All values are present in my alerts. Only the SetOption for crew lead id is getting set right. The other two are not setting at all

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)
Amazing, sometimes my 2 year old will walk over and start typing on my keyboard! Must be what happened. I will test again. Thanks

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: SetOption is not working)

The below code gets 2 values from arrays and then I try to set them to local storage options

The result of the options is not proper. The Key values are not created. They are blank in the browser dev tools window.

The first value for [crew_id] is not set (it has a value) and the value for [crew_name] does get set in local storage.

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Gradle Problem?)
I was able to fix it by removing Gradle, doing an update to Android Studio and reinstalling the Gradle binaries

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Gradle Problem?)
I am having the same problem again. I installed Gradle from npm command line

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)
Thank you!

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)
Thank you David. Will a license go outdated each time I upgrade to a "dot" release?

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)
Thank you for your help

Ryan Sytsma (In thread: Problems to register AB1 release 2019.56)
Hi Samuel. I went from 2019.55 to 2019.56. Is that a major release?

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