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DecSoft (In thread: suggest new action David.)

Hello tin,

Yes; maybe such actions can be a good idea! Probably the next release count with them. Thanks for the suggestion!

P.S. Of course, in the meanwhile, you know we can use the "StartJS" and "EndJS" actions in this way:

DecSoft (In thread: suggest new action David.)

Hello tin,

Please, update your App Builder's copy. Between other things, I include a new "ConfirmExit" app sample. This application sample uses the app's "BackButton" event in order to confirm the user wanted to exit our application (using that button).

Certainly I found a bug in the "VarIsTrue" action (and others too, more information into the program's history file) and for that reason maybe you get anoying when try to implement the confirmation by yourself.

Please, take a look at the "ConfirmExit" sample and take a look at the app's "BackButton" event and the "ApplicationExitCallback" app's function. Hope this sample can be useful for you and others tin.

P.S. Yes; of course use the "[App.CurrentView]" can be also a good thing here.

DecSoft (In thread: suggest new action David.)

Hello tin,

I am also testing this by myself. In the meanwhile, I don't know if what you wanted is the "[App.CurrentView]" variable, which contains the current app's view? Here more app's global variables.

DecSoft (In thread: How to present the EndOfLine string?)

Hello Zeng,

Yes; certainly you can use "\r\n" and probably "\n" along also can works for your desired results.

DecSoft (In thread: How to present the EndOfLine string?)

Hello Zeng,

Thanks for posting and for your interest in my work at App Builder. The characters to be used in Javascript are "\r" for return carriage and "\n" for new line. What is your scenario or, in other words, where you need to use such characters?

DecSoft (In thread: suggest new action David.)

Hello tin,

The problem with the second question is that currently App Builder do not provide us the appropiate app's variable in order to prevent the default back button behaviour. The next AB release must allow us access to that variable so we can try to implement the StackOverflow solution but using our own app's BackButton event instead to prepare a handler for that using Javascript.

DecSoft (In thread: suggest new action David.)

Hello Tin,

Thanks for posting and for your interest in my work at App Builder.

I test your app builder.It very easy to build mobile app and web app. I use alittle time to learning this app.(Because it easy to use). After I test, I suggest to have 2 action:

1. action back I test in android app like back botton in android (like back in browser)

I use javascript to fix this




What action are you using to show another app's view? If we use the "ReplaceView" action, that certainly override the browser history, which is something we wanted sometimes. But we can also use the "ShowView" action, and, this action put the view into the browser history, then we can use the "back" and "forward" buttons.

2. action to confirm exit app in android (ios you cannot exit)

I want you to take a look at this forum's thread. Even when we can use certain stuff like ";", the thruth is this stuff is not official documented into the Apache Cordova documentation. I think we need to consider here the behind operating system and their app's live cycle. Interfer in that cycle maybe it's not a good idea at the end.

Anyway I want to prepare a sample for this question. We can do it using Javascript following this StackOverflow thread, however, some changes must be made in App Builder in order to be ready with the "BackButton" app's event. Right now the program does not send the "event" variable here, then we can't "prevent" the default behaviour. I want to change this as quickly as possible Tin.

thanks for developed this IDE.

Thanks you for your kindly words Tin.

DecSoft (In thread: How to sign our APK files to be published in the Google Play Store)

Always thanks you Ade! :)

DecSoft (In thread: How to sign our APK files to be published in the Google Play Store)

Hello to all,

** Read this message below, because App Builder incorporates now visual tools to do this! **

This thread want to explain how to sign our APK files in order to be published in the Google Play Store. This post is based in the official Google documentation and uses the appropiate keytool and jarsigner programs, included by the Java JDK installation, as well the zipalign program, included by the Android SDK installation.

Step 1/4 - Prepare our release APK file

App Builder can creates three BAT files to prepare our application to be build with Apache Cordova. This three BATH files are "cordova_android_debug.bat", "cordova_android_run.bat" and "cordova_android_release.bat" file.

We normally use the first one or the second one in order to try our application's APK in our Android device, but, when we are ready to publish our application, we must use the third BAT file, in order to get an APK (yet unsigned) ready to be upload to the Google Play Store.

Once we execute the "cordova_android_release.bat" file we get our APK in the directory "MyApp_Compiled\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk\".

Step 2/4 - Prepare our "keys"

In order to sign our APK file, we need to create a couple of public/private keys for our own use. This step must be made at least one time, that is, once we prepare our "keys" file, we can use such file to sign various APK files.

We use the "keytool" to create our keys. The "keytool" is included by the Java JDK, something we have already installed (because it's required to installing Apache Cordova). The command we must use is the below one:

The above command creates our keys in the file "D:\MyKeys.keystore". Of course you can specify another path and file name. However, take care about such path, because we use later when sign the APK files. Also, you must replace this information with your own one:

Common Name = Your name, for example, David Esperalta
Organization Unit = Your organization unit, for example, AndroidSoft
Organization Name = Your organization name, for example, David Esperalta Soft
Locality Name = Your locality name, for example, Madrid
State Name = Your state name, for example, Madrid
Country 2 Digit Code = Your country 2 digit code, for example, ES (for Spain)

Note we need to replace the "MyAlias" too. Just choose an alias to be used later when sign our APK files. You also need to replace the "MyPassword" in the above command with your own password. I think we can use (for simplicity) the same password for both "keypass" and "storepass". Later we need to use this password when sign our APK files, so remember it.

If the above command is well executed, then the "D:\MyKeys.keystore" is created, and we can use in the below step.

Step 3/4 - Sign our APKs

Once we have created our "keys" we can use it in order to sign our APKs. This is does using the "jarsigner" tool, which is also included with the Java JDK installation. The command we can use is the below one:

The above command finally sign our APK file. Note we specify "MyPassword" in both "storepass" and "keypass". This password must be the same that we used above in the step 2. Also we use "MyAlias", that, again, must be the same we used above in the step 2.

On the other hand, as you can see, we specify in the above command the path for our "MyKeys.keystore" file and of course the path of our unsigned "MyApp.apk" file. Of course you must replace this paths by your own ones.

And that's all! Finally we can check (optionally) if our APK file has been correctly signed by this command:

Note we specify the path for our APK file.

Step 4/4 - "Align" our APK file

I am not completely sure if this step is really needed. Anyway, apparently we can use the "zipalign" tool (this time included by the Android SDK installation) in order to "provides important optimization to Android application (.apk) files.", as we can read here in the official documentation.

Anyway, using the "zipalign" tool is not too much complicated, just the below command:

As you can see, we indicate our signed APK file and must to provide an ouput file, different to the first one, in this case "MyApp_Aligned.apk", to save the aligned APK file. Is this final "D:\MyApp_Aligned.apk" the file that we must use to upload into our Google Play Store account, in order to publish our APK.

That's all! I hope this post can help to all. Fell free to post any question here.

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)


Ok, haré mas pruebas con las sugerencias que mencionas.

Muchas Gracias!!

¡Siempre gracias a usted por su interés! :)

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)


Acabo de comprobar qué ocurre con el control Input Number y su atributo "placeholder". Al menos en Android 5.1 funciona como se espera, así pues, creo que podemos achacar a algún problema o "bug" el que no funcione en la versión de Android en que usted lo ha probado. Creo que no podríamos hacer mucho, salvo saber que dicho atributo funciona en las nuevas versiones de Android.

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)


* Porque al instalar en el celular el apk solicita permisos para acceso total a la red ? Aun cuando mi app no requiera dicho acceso

Si no me equivoco el acceso a red es un permiso básico para aplicaciones "Cordova". Tal vez se trata de la arquitectura de la aplicación, tal vez es un permiso que no puede eliminarse. En todo caso yo no me preocuparía por dicho permiso: se sabe lo que significa, y, no es otra cosa que la posibilidad de acceder a internet. Esto, creo yo, no entraña en principio ningún riesgo para el usuario, no así otros permisos como el "envío de mensajes SMS", etc.

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)


* El control Number no muestra el placeholder en el celular, si que lo hace el control Text.

Ciertamente. No había caído en esto y tengo que revisar si se trata de un "bug" o de algo que "funciona así". Le mantendré informado de esto.

* Al introducir numeros al control Number en el celular el teclado de dicho celular "deforma" las entradas Number.

¿Está usando la opción "AutoScale" de la aplicación? Creo que es la forma de conseguir que las casillas se "deformen" de forma "escalable". Pruebe a usar dicha opción y mire a ver si los resultados son mejores. También la opción "FullScreen" puede influir. En general no es recomendable usar esta opción, salvo para posibles "juegos" y aplicaciones similares. Otra opción podría ser ocultar y/o mostrar la barra de estado según los casos.

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)


Muchas gracias a usted por su interés. Recuerde que estamos por aquí si necesita alguna cosa. :)

DecSoft (In thread: Ionic)

Hola onisabel,

No sé hasta qué punto podrían usarse algunos módulos de ionic o algo parecido, pero, como dice, App Builder se basa en Bootstrap y AngularJS sin conexión alguna, en principio, con ionic u otros frameworks. ionic usa AngularJS, si no me equivoco, así que, como digo, tal vez habría alguna posibilidad de usar algún plugin o módulo de dicho framework: pensemos que en App Builder, además de lo que viene "de serie", podemos utilizar Javascript, CSS, etc., de terceros, así que... todo depende de aquello que queramos añadir y de si existe la posibilidad de adaptación.

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