Hello Nelson,

Thanks for your comments and kindly words.

Now, I would like to ask if you have some sort of road map you could share with us?, mainly sketch up dates for future releases or an estimate for the 1.0

My intention is to publish a first stable and public available version of App Builder as quickly as possible, however, lots of things need to be made before I considerer App Builder ready. For example, the program help file is not initiated right now and must be more or less complete before the program can be published. Maybe another month can be a good date aproximation for a first public release. Anyway for sure you can view more news in the successives ALPHA releases of the program.

I believe It would be really useful to have the option to use databases engines within the application... What are your thought about this matter?

You can take a look at the Report sample: very simple right now, but maybe sufficient in order to get an idea. We include a JSON file plenty of data along the Report sample app and then use the Report control in order to parse it and show the information in an HTML table. The sample show us how we can also filter the data using an input control linked to the Report control.

This is how this kind of hybrid apps works: they make HTTP GET request to retrieve information from a server/database and also make HTTP POST request in order to update/insert information into the server/database. What database? No matter. What server? No matter also. Your server can run an Apache and a MySQL instance, for example, and the app do not know nothing about.

Your server/database made responses in a suitable format like JSON and the app can show the information in a human readable way, alowing to reorder, filter, etc. Your app can send new information and data to the server/database in a "key/value" way by making HTTP POST calls, just like you can view right now in the SimplePost app sample. The user enter the data in various fields and the app send these data to the server.

And what happend with local files/databases? Right now we can read JSON files and present their information like in the Report app sample. One of the things I need to investigate is the HTML5 File API's like FileWrite, however, taking a look at the FileWriter API support... they appear not too much suitable right now. Again we need to think in the possible app platforms: in fact we do not get happy if some web app can read our files...

Another possible way to set and get information in an app is the use of the local storage. We can use around 5 MB of data in the app local storage, saving such information in a key/value way. I mention here just to explain another possible way to store/retrieve information by an app with persistence in mind. Local storage remains between app executions and can only be removed by the user. Local storage are also available right now by using the SetOption, GetOption, RemoveOption and ClearOptions actions.

This is more or less the way in which we can work right now.

If you have any suggestion or idea, please, share it here Nelson.