Always thanks you Samuel! What we need is to "clone" the above PHP code in LiveCode. Before the "cache" changes, the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header are sufficient, however, the "cache" changes requires to fill the "Access-Control-Allow-Methods" and "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" header in the server response.
Hello Samuel,
The problem is related with CORS and, yes, probably the same request in previous App Builder releases works fine: in fact a couple of releases ago I introduce a "prevent cache" enhancement that works, but requires some CORS related attention which previously do not matter.
Try to run the debugger and then use the debugger toolbar to open the app using Firefox, then press F12 in Firefox to open the developer console and you can see the problem: we need to set the "'Access-Control-Allow-Headers" in the server response to properly enable CORS.
As you can see in the current included app samples in PHP we can do something like this to enable CORS for the latest App Builder releases:
Really I don't know how to do it in "LiveCode", but, probably you can found more information about how to properly set the "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" response header. Certainly this change in App Builder can cause this problem, however, we need to introduce an internal "non cache" enhancement, since the cache can cause other problems maybe too much complicated.
Please Samuel, post here your doubts or your "LiveCode" solution: maybe other people can also get benefict of that.
Hello CIS,
Better late than never, App Builder include right now a new Database app sample wich show us how to use a Report control along with HTTP Client controls to retrieve and list information from a remote database and also update, delete and insert new information in such database. To this app sample we use PHP and MySQL in the server, and the PHP scripts and the MySQL database estructure are included in the app sample too.
Hello again,
The above code can continue use like that without problems, however, two new actions has been added to App Builder: MediaShowControls and MediaHideControls, which can be used to show or hide the MediaPlayer controls respectively. Note that the designtime "Controls" variable of the "MediaPlayer" must be "true" to allow these actions to work.
Hello again,
The MediaPlayer control do not include certain events that may can be useful to get your desired behaviour, then right now I add to the MediaPlayer control the Click, DblClick, MouseUp, MouseDown, MouseEnter and MouseLeave events.
Hope these events can be useful to you Walter, and also to other people.
Hello Walter,
Glad to see you! Hope your holidays are good. Well. In principle the MediaPlayer.Controls variables can only be used at designtime, that is, to determine if the MediaPlayer must shown the controls or not. Here we have the option to "hide" the controls included by the MediaPlayer and use our own controls and the appropiate actions to play, pause, stop, etc.
Anyway, I update right now the program in order to allow us to shown the MediaPlayer controls and then hide/show also in runtime. But this cannot be made using the MediaPlayer.Controls variable, which continue available to set only in designtime. The App Builder recent update identify now the MediaPlayer controls container, and therefore we can hide/show in runtime using a code like this in order to get your expected behaviour:
A couple of things must be considered here: firstly we can see the "MediaPlayer1Controls" identifier, which we must use with the "GetStyle" and "SetStyle" actions. The identifier is composed with the name of the control (MediaPlayer1 in this case) suffixed by "Controls". Secondly, to allow the above code to work propertly, the MediaPlayer.Controls variable must be "true", because, at this time, App Builder do not include the HTML markup for the controls if we put "false" in that variable.
Update your copy of App Builder now, Walter, play it, and tell me if this can help you or not.
Hello Nelson,
Maybe different devices can deal with the QR codes in various ways. On the other hand, remember npQrco produces text QR code. We can add some kind of "tokens" in that text (like the "mailto:") but our QR code always is based in plain text.
Hello Nelson,
Something like this works fine to me:
I read the generated QR code image (using the npQrco sample) here in my Android device and I can choose the GMail app, for example, and the email address, subject and body are placed as we can expected.
Hello again,
This problem has been fixed. Update your App Builder copy!
Hello Jürgen,
You are right. I will try to solve the problem. In the meanwhile, we can remove the argument and then create again with the desired description.
Hello again,
Well. Apparently we can't go without the "window.App.RootScope" variable. I update right now the program give us access to "window.App.RootScope" and "window.App.Scope". The first variable can be used to access app variables, just like you do in your app. The second one can be used to access app functions.
The External Javascript tutorial has been updated as well the External app sample.
Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for the advise Walter.
Hello Walter,
You are completely right and I am wrong. The problem is that some variables are accesibles and not others, depending in where the variables are defined. Please, sorry for the inconveniences. I am working right now for a solution.
Hello Walter,
In principle "window.App.Scope" is now the way to access app variables. In my tests I can access it without problems, then, please, assert you use the very latest version of App Builder not upgrading from the program, but downloading from their web: www.getappbuilder.com. Uninstall the program and then install the new release. If you continue having problems then I will take a look in more deep.
Hello Cícero,
Please, try this:
1º Uninstall App Builder from the Windows control panel
2º Delete these directories completely:
3º Download the latest App Builder release and install it:
I did not try in a VM, but App Builder must works in Windows 10, 8.1, 8 and 7.
In fact I use Windows 10 at this moment.
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