Hello Tinn,
First of all, we must differenciate between DecSoft App Builder and Apache Cordova. What DecSoft App Builder is to generate the proper BATCH and SHELL files, but, after that, that is, when you run the files, all what we get is related with Apache Cordova, not with DecSoft App Builder. So your questions is a better questions... but for the Apache Cordova team, because it's Apache Cordova who pick what version of Cordova Android to be use.
I can suppose that the latest version of Apache Cordova (which also requires the API 30 of Android) has some changes that the user must estimate, so, probably for that reason Apache Cordova pick the previous version of Cordova Android and not the latest one. But in fact it's not a problem for us, I mean, what we call "force version" is not someting that "force" anything... in other words... what we do is to select the version to be used.
Hello Tinn,
I am not sure if this can cause some different... instead of "$OUTPUT_DIR$\cordova_android_run.bat" just use "$OUTPUT_DIR$cordova_android_run.bat" (note how the slash bar is not needed), but, I can't reproduce the error here, Tinn: I get the specified bat file running as expected. One more thing: remember the build programs are executed when you compile the app, not when you run or debug it. Anyway, I am not sure if can understand your point around the "system32 path"... so please, if you can't see it working as expected, post here and I will try to help you.
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Hello Tinn,
About the problem with the CordovaCamera sample in order to show the photo that we take when using "destination type = FILE_URI", there is an open issue in the Cordova Camera plugin Github project which refers to this problem. In principle must works, but, certainly someting avoid to be working it as expected. You can use the "destionation type = DATA_URL" as you can see also in the CordovaCamera sample app, or, if you want to continue using "FILE_URI", the below works for me:
That is, as you can see, what we do is to use the "app.cordova.file.getFileBlobFromFileUrl" method of the Cordova File plugin.
Hello Tinn,
By default DecSoft App Builder generates BATCH and SHELL files which do not indicates what version of Apache Cordova (or Cordova Android or Cordova iOS) will be used, so, in principle we use the latest version. If we are using the current generation of DecSoft App Builder we can specify a version of Cordova Android or Cordova iOS to be used from the right Android options and iOS options.
I recommend to use the latest version of Apache Cordova and Cordova Android and Cordova iOS, always that can be possible. This means that maybe some specific app uses certain specific plugin who works only in certain specific version of Cordova / Cordova Android / Cordova iOS. But what I recommend is to use the latest versions if possible. Something to note is that sometimes we can use a latest version of Cordova Android, for example (right now 10.1.1) and, if we did not specify that version in the referred options, the system (Cordova) pick an earlier version, so, we must specify the version that we want to use.
In the previous generation of DecSoft App Builder we cannot specify a Cordova Android or Cordova iOS version to be used, but we can edit the BATCH and SHELL files and look for this line, for example, in the case of Cordova Android:
In order to use a specific version of Cordova Android this is what we must to do:
That's the way to indicate what version we want to use, and, is valid for Cordova Android, Cordova iOS but also for Cordova plugins in general. Again, the above line (BATCH or SHELL files) must be only edited if we use the previous generation of DecSoft App Builder: in the current generation of the product we can indicate what version of Cordova Android or Cordova iOS to use from the above linked app options.
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Hello Tinn,
I understand your point of view, however, certainly the Metatags option of the apps are prepared to do things like this one! We can't probably have an option for every possible metatags, so we provide a way to establish one or more metatags, whatever the app can need, using the app's Metatags option.
Hello Tinn!
Yes; I already sent to you your upgrade license for the previous generation of DecSoft App Builder, as well a new license for the current generation of the product. Both of them provide us a way to add metatags to our apps from the app's options, for example, talking about the current generation of DecSoft App Builder (I recommend this for new projects) we can add metatags like you want from the app's Metatags options. The previous generation of the product have also this app's options for adding additional metatags in our apps.
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Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:
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Here is a new DecSoft HTML Compiler with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:
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Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:
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