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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2021.23)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: New HTML Compiler 2021.22)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft HTML Compiler with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2021.22)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Glad to know that you got it! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Just for your information... I try with the "@havesource/cordova-plugin-push" plugin ID (which you are using, if I am not wrong) and the sample app also works as expected here. So we can discard that the problem is realted with the the "original" plugin ID... the plugin ID which you are using is also working here as expected.

What version of Android you have installed in your device? Can you try with another device if possible?

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Please, try to upgrade / reinstall NodeJS. Additionally, try with other Android device (if possible) to see if the icon is shown properly. Why? Because the image that you post above shown an icon... which is not the app's icon... so apparently the custom icon is trying to be used? Maybe it's the Android version of your device has something to say too... what version of Android are you using?

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

About the error while using the push plugin ID... apparently it's an internet connection problem? I can't be sure right now... the only I can say is that I use the plugin ID as you can see in the sample app and works (is installed) as expected...

About the push notification's icon, note that the image is shown correctly... but the icon fails... what I think is that you are not including the icon in your app? But you say above that the icon is copied in the expected folders...

Certainly the icon is missing (because it's blue, and in your image it's appear gray...)... but, if the icon is included in the app as an image file, I can't imagine why it's not used as expected... just like I can see it here...

Maybe the problem with the plugin ID is causing the icon problem? You have any kind of firewall running in your PC? Maybe what we must try in the first place is to install the plugin using his plugin ID... because if I can do it here... you must also do it!

Maybe you can perform a search around the error that you get when try to use the plugin ID... maybe you can found the problem that disallow to use the plugin ID at the first place: maybe update / reinstall NodeJS and GIT can help? :-/

P.S. Note the error in the console: "There is an internet connection problem or the plugin ID is no correct"... since the plugin ID is correct... because it's what I am using here... maybe the problem is certainly something related with the internet connection?

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Humm... it's quite rare... I try the sample app right now and works as expected, then maybe something is missing in your own implementation... I suggest you to try the sample app, because you must see that app working as expected, like I do. After you see the sample app working as expected, we can recognize that something is missing in your own implementation.

Maybe the push notification payload? Take a look also at the server's scripts of the sample app, Paolo, since I modify the push notification payload too.

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello to all,

PS: to make you understand that my level is not very low (with PHP) have already managed to manage notifications on the database, and create a form to send individual users. The next step is to study a little How it works the topic, expander notification, And above all interact with actions.

Sounds very good!

I want to clarify that each of your in-depth posts is really useful for me because I study it with a lot of attention, Before asking anything I try to do as many tests as possible.Really Thanks for everything

No problem, Paolo! Always thank you for your trust!

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello to all,

Yesterday, as I post above, I prepare a new release of AB enhacing the "CordovaPushNotifications" sample app in order to use a personalized icon for the push notifications. I did not try the sample, because, I use exactly the same Cordova Extra XML configuration that I am using here in some of my own apps. This morning I will to try the sample app, and, to my surprise, the icon in the push notifications is not the expected one... but the default one: the app's icon itself.

Apparently my mistake was that I am using the same push icon than the app icon in my own apps, so, I can't see the problem until I try to use a completely different icon for the push notifications. Today I review the push plugin documentation and found that maybe the problem is that we must indicate more than one location for the push icon to be used. I am not sure about this, however, the point is that I can't see the icon working, so, I prepare a new Cordova Extra XML configuration option like below:

Doing that, now yes, the "icon => pushicon" reference is working as expected. So I modify the "CordovaPushNotifications" sample app, in order to use the above configuration, and, prepare the payload (server side scripts samples) to use not only the "icon" key, but also the "image" key, just to see if that works as expected, and certainly it's working now as expected: both the prepared push icon and the image is what we can see in the push notification message.

I did not publish a new release of AB, but, I update the installers right now, so, please, download the current release (if you download it yesterday, you can't see a new release using the product's updater tool), in order to get ready with these modifications into the "CordovaPushNotifications" sample app. Now you can see how the "pushicon" works as expected, in addition to the "image" (also customized) that we use for the push notifications.

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello to all,

Yes; you are right, Amin: the most part is done in the server side. The app has something to say, of course, for example, when receive the push notification. The payload can tell us where to redirect the user, to one view or to another, or finally, what to do with a particular notification. In the particular case of the "icon" both client (the app) and server side is required: the app stores the icon and provide the right XML stuff in the Cordova Extra XML option to copy the icon in the expected place. Then the server refers to that icon in the push notification payload.

But you are right, the push notifications are mostly handled in the server side, and can be more or less complex, depending on our needs. In our app cases, for example, we store in the app's server database the push IDs, but also the users platform (that we take from the app using the Cordova Device plugin). Additinally we also saves the notifications itself in the database, becuase our apps offers a kind of "history of notifications", so we can show it to the users. Almost all of these stuff is optional, anyway, and, again, depend on the app that we are developing.

Thanks for sharing your code with us, Amin!

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

I was hoping and I was convinced that I have solved but not yet, now as per your procedure inside "\ android \ res \ drawable" I have the "pushicon" file and on the php code '' icon '=>' pushicon '"but still can't see each other! what's missing? thank you very much for your availability !! Answer when you have time, think about Christmas! :) smack!

I think we are crossing our messages. :-) Please, take a look at my very last post.

DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Please, upgrade your copy of DecSoft App Builder: I publish a new release enhancing the "CordovaPushNotifications" sample app in order to use a "icon" key in the Android payload. Basically take a look at the app's Files manager: you can see an icon included under the "Images" tab. Then take a look also at the app's Cordova Extra XML configuration option, and, finally, look at the server's PHP script "sendpush.php", in which we "define" the "icon" to be used.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2021.21)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: Push notifications)

Hello Paolo,

Yes; it's my mistake! After publish my post I find the mistake and then publish this other post trying to explain the "icon" key. Please, read it and don't hesitate to post here if you have any further questions!

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