Hello to all,
Thanks, Amin, for share such information here. You are right, of course, Android and iOS can have different notifications' payloads.
Hello to all,
Thanks, Amin, for share such information here. You are right, of course, Android and iOS can have different notifications' payloads.
Hello Michael,
I will take note about what you mention. Certainly, I can see the TAB not working as expected, and, need to investigate about the icons for Android that you refer. I can't promise a date right now... but I will / need / want to take a look at this when possible, Michael.
No problem, Peter. Just post here if you have any question: as I told you we are using push notifications and works very well, so, probably I can help you, or, at least I will try it.
Hello Peter,
Yes; since you refer before that you can try the app, I asume that you already see the "min SDK problem" and then can compile the APK. Certainly, you must change the "min SDK" to API 19. You can do it in the app options -> Cordova -> Android -> Genera -> Minimum SDK.
Hello Peter,
We use push notifications in various apps, and, works like a charm. We use a Firebase Cloud Messaging account from Google for both Android and iOS platforms. So yes, take a look again, because the app must work as expected in AB1 and AB2 (the app which I am talking about is developed in AB1 right now).
Hello Peter,
Humm... in fact AB1 and AB2 uses the same Cordova plugin... and I compile the AB1 sample here and works as expected. Yesterday I receive some push notifications... and think that come from you testing the sample app. :-)
You must refer to the Cordova plugin documentation in order to see if the plugin's configuration did not allow what you wanted or if allow what you wanted... but it's rare that the AB2 sample works for you and the AB1 don't, because, we are talking about the same internally...
Hello Peter,
Take a look at the App options -> Cordova -> Batch -> After. As you can see we use that to require the "add phonegap-plugin-push" plugin to be installed. About the registration fail, it's a mistake: look at the "SendRegisterID" app function and change the URL of the used HTTP Client control to HTTPS. We can't use HTTP in Android 9+ except if we add some especific option to allow it. If you change the URL to HTTPS you can see the app successfully register.
No problem, Peter! :-)
Hello Peter,
We can add to the marker the information if we need it. The "showInfoWindow" receive the marker as his argument, so, we can access to the marker's information as well. Just take a look at the below code, which is a modification of my latest one:
Hello Peter,
There are various things to consider here. One thing require to take a look at the below code:
We have what we expected inside "querySnapshot", but, this is not an Array of Objects variable. In fact, to get access to the records sent to us by the server, we must use what you already do: the "forEach" over the "querySnapshot" variable, and then, once we get the "doc", retrieve the record using the "doc.data()" method.
So in fact you no need to convert any Array of objects variable to any Array of arrays variable: you can just prepare your Array (with markers information) in a way like the below one:
But here is the other thing to be considered: you can't just initiate the map and prepare the markers just by write the right code below the above code, because that code is executed in an asynchronous, so, if you write something like the below:
... the "alert" is executed before our "markersInfo" variable has been completely feed. So what to do? Just wait for the variable to be feeded:
The "initMap()" function is executed when our "markersInfo" variable is already feeded, so, we can then create the map, and then iterate the Array variable to place the right marks inside the map. All the code is below: you can place in the Show event of the "View1" of the sample app that you linked before:
May we can enhance the above code, for example, to move the "initMap" and other functions into the "app functions manager", or maybe some changes are required, but, I hope that that code can help you to give an idea at least. Post here if you have further question, Peter.
Hello Peter,
The problem is that I can't get the response that you get from the server: I get some "permissions" error here and not the desired array of objects. So just place here the JSON response (remove any possible private information if needed) and I will try to help you.
Hello Peter,
If I am not wrong, it's not possible to remain the markers in the map, because, the map itself is gone once we move to another app view. So the app must be "recreated" when we back to the map view, to say like that, and, that's the moment again to prepare the right markers that we can show in the map. But this is not a problem, I think.
That is, certainly you can use a variable to feed the map of marks, to say like that: so that variable can be modified in another app view, so, when we go back to the map one, we simply set the markers again, including the possible new "marks information" which the referred variable includes. So in few words, the map nor markers are not "globals" and they are not "maintained", but, the app variables are, so we "feed the map" with that variables, wich can be changed in any of the app views.
Taking the above in consideration, let me how I can help you, Peter.
Hello to all,
Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:
Hello to all,
Me, again... I refer a Gradle problem before in some project (not a DecSoft App Builder project) and finally I got it... and there is not really a Gradle problem... but other problem, which is "fired" by Gradle, which is the responsible to execute certain programs, which can be missing, so fail, but, not for Gradle... but maybe the Gradle configuration in my case, which is not the correct one.
Anyway, one fo the things that I do while work trying to compile the referred project, was remove Gradle from my computer... and therefore I can't compile any APK using Apache Cordova and DecSoft App Builder. However, this time the things become better: just by reinstalling Gradle and ad into the environment PATH variable the Gradle path, the problem is completely gone.
So I really hope that Kim can find the problem: I install Gradle by downloading the binaries and not from NPM, like Ryan do, however, the point is that Gradle are available, since certainly it's required by Apache Cordova in order to do his job.
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