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DecSoft (In thread: JSON Data Parsing)

Hello Mark,

Just for your information, there is a new sample app named "GetJson" included in the current release of DecSoft App Builder. Please, take a look and don't hesitate to post here if you have any further question.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.42)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: JSON Data Parsing)

Hello Mark,

Yes; don't worry, because, it's quite easy. So once you get working one time... you know what to do in next similar situations. May I can provide a sample app in the near future, however, I think you can got it also if I refer here the steps.

First of all, prepare a server's script, in the below case a PHP one, which returns some JSON object to our app, when it's called:

Use an HTTP control, and, set his "Url" property to the URL of the above script, for example: "".

Then use the "execute()" method of the HTTP control to made the HTTP call. And finally look at the most interesting part: in the Done event of the HTTP control, you can access the JSON object using the HTTP control "response" property:

So, as you can see, can't be more easy: the HTTP control "response" is the JSON object that the script / server returns, and we can just access that JSON object properties like any other JavaScript property, like you can see above.

Please, take your time and try to prepare a sample app based in the above information: if you need some help at some point, just post it here and we will try to help you. :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Resizing with the Camera control)

Hello Peter,

It's curious. According to the documentation, the "targetWidth" and "targetHeight" do not mention the "issue" with the "photolibrary". I know the AB documentation mention it, that is, apaprently these options can't work if we use the "photolibrary" option. Well... I just try it right now and apparently the options working as expected. So I can't be sure why the AB help says other thing...

You can try it by yourself, Peter, I just use the "Camera3" sample app too, and just set a "TargetWidth=100", leaving "TargetHeight=-1". And apparently works like expected in both cases: if we made a photo using the camera, or if we choose an image from the "photogallery". Maybe we can resize an image using some JavaScript techniques, however, since you use the Camera control, maybe the referred options are enough.

DecSoft (In thread: ScrCopy: good for screen mirroring)

Hello to all,

I am trying to prepare some video(s) for the new DecSoft App Builder, and, one of the requirements, is to get the screen of my attached smartphone into my PC screen, so everybody what happen in the attached device. Before today I was using Airdroid, which is a good application for screen mirroring.

However, searching for an alternative to AirAndroid, I find the SrcCopy tool, and I get really impressed, so I want to share it here in this forum.

First of all, we are talking about an open source project which is available for various platforms, including Microsoft Windows. Secondly, ScrCopy requires only the Android SDK and the ADB tool installed, which is something that we already has installed, if we target Android apps.

Last, but not least, ScrCopy allow us to control the attached device using the mouse, and, the device in question no need to be "rooted" before. There are other options, but, just these ones, made to ScrCopy a very interesting tool when target the Android platform.

Certainly, if we are debugging an app using an attached Android device, probably we can see the attached device screen without problems... however, in some situations, like to get a video of the device screen from the PC, SrcCopy can be a very good tool.

That's all! I hope that ScrCopy can be useful to you too!

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.41)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.40)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.39)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

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DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder 2020.38)

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Watcher and sequencing javascript)

Hello Ryan,

About the "tx" identifier, certainly, it appear as an argument of certain callback of the "db.transaction" method. However, you put that code alone, so, I must ask if yo uare sure that "tx" is defined, since, out of the referred callback, probably "tx" is undefined or don't have the expected reference. Are you sure that the plugin did not allow to make SELECT questies without using "tx"? Because I don't know why to use a transaction in a SELECT query...

About your latest problem, if I am not wrong, what happen is that the app try to load a non existing app view. You must save the app, and then compile it, in order to assert that all the app views are properly compiled and therefore available to be load by the app.

DecSoft (In thread: Parsing JavaScript object variable)

Well, all days we can learn something. :-)

In fact, you labelled this thread like "Parse Array variable". What probably happen is that "" sometimes stores a JavaScript Array, and sometimes other type, like in this case, a JavaScript object. So you simple try to access the stored value as an Array, and, of course, that can't work.

Just remember the console output: the output is a piece of JavaScript too, so, if that output starts by a square bracket, we are talking about a JavaScript Array. On the other hand, if, like in this case, the output starts by a curly bracket, we are talking about a JavaScript Object.

DecSoft (In thread: Parsing JavaScript object variable)

No problem, Peter. In fact the "userData" variable is just may convenient, but, you can also directly use "" as an object. In both ways we are talking about a JavaScript object which contains the properties that you wanted.

DecSoft (In thread: Parsing JavaScript object variable)

Hello Peter,

I think you are doing well. Once you get "", you can simply place that object's properties where you wanted. For example, in a way like this:

Something like the above can work. Even you can avoid the "userData" local variable and just access the "" like "". Just like you prefer.

DecSoft (In thread: Watcher and sequencing javascript)

Hello Ryan,

No errors at all? That is... my idea right now is that "tx" may is not defined... Apparently "tx" can be used inside the right "db.transaction" callback, but, outside that callback... where is "tx"? So maybe this is the problem, that "tx" is not defined?

There must be another way to execute queries on existing databases... without the "tx"... or you must use the "tx" inside a "db.transaction" callback... in which "tx" exists. I hope this can at least give you an idea about where to look.

DecSoft (In thread: Watcher and sequencing javascript)

Hello Ryan,

"adb" means Android Debug Bridge. It's a command line tool which come with the Android SDK. What happen is that the tools is not in your PATH environment variable. You must set the path for the "adb" tool (see the previous link for his location) into your PATH environment variable.

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