Posts by DecSoft

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DecSoft (In thread: Javascript syntax error that I can't catch)

Hello Ryan,

The code that you show as been written by hand or is generated by AB from some actions? What I can see in the code that you show is that, apparently the "<<--------line in error" line don't match the above code, that is, or some code is missing, or that line must be just removed, because is not apparently right.

Can you start to compile the app from the scratch, removing firstly the "_Compiled" and the "_Cache" directories? If you can provide a sample app in which we ca see the error reproduced that can be very good. Maybe you can send me the complete "app.js" file, or even the app, in order to take a look.

DecSoft (In thread: Visual actions vs pure Javascript)

Hello Samuel,

Thanks! Yes; I must look into this a bit more, however, thanks for confirm that the blurried issue is gone.

DecSoft (In thread: Visual actions vs pure Javascript)

Hello Samuel,

Please, download the program again, here are the links for Windows 64 and for for Windows 32. Some changes has been made in the program's manifest in order to be DPI awareness. Please, try the program again (when possible), setting the "backward compatibility off", since, in principle, that options is no needed in this case.

DecSoft (In thread: Visual actions vs pure Javascript)

Hello Samuel,

Yes; I already receive some E-Mails from you... including your purchase order, Samuel, let me to say here thanks for your support and your trust. After I end to write this post I want to reply to all your E-Mails propertly.

Yes; I really hope that finally with the new AB can be useful to you: remember that I am not only developing the IDE, but, also creates apps with the IDE... and I really think (is not an imposture) that the IDE can be really useful for that purpose.

Of course, I know the work is only started (ironically, because I am working from months ago in the new project...) but I am ready (it's my work) and want to continue developing the IDE and improving it in the future years. So forget (ok, with some affection) the "visual actions", Samuel, and say welcome to Javascript.

You know I am here (we are here) to try to help when needed.

Thanks very much again for your support, Samuel, I will go now to prepare your invoice and license, as well to reply to your other E-Mails.

DecSoft (In thread: Visual actions vs pure Javascript)

Hello Samuel,

Edit about blurriness:

right-click the application’s shortcut and then click Properties. On the Compatibility tab, select Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Settings, and then click OK.

Fixed :)

Thanks for shared that here, however, please, send me some capture with the issue... I want to take a look at it with my own eyes. Maybe you have some particular configuration in the system? Because, in principle, we no need to touch any particular setting in order to get the program working as expected...

DecSoft (In thread: Visual actions vs pure Javascript)

Hello Samuel,

Yes; of course, your feedback is welcome. About the blurred screen, please, send me some capture or video so I can take a look: I can't see anything like that, so, we can take a look at what can happen.

About to use only Javascript code, certainly, I think this is the best possible way, Samuel. If you take a look at the editor Quick code list, the program want to provides help about the available methods and their arguments, in a similar way (in fact, better) than in the previous generation of the product.

So, even when we must use Javascript code, the IDE intention is to help us while write that code. But use Javascript code only have good advantages. Just think that the "actions" in the previous generation of the product, must be finally converted / translated to Javascript... well... we avoid that step.

But is not only a question of avoid the translator, that's not the main question: I did not pretend to save the work that the actions / Javascript translator requires. The point is that, in our own experience developing large apps, Javascript is required, the actions are not enough, and, it's not a question of the actions number.

Now all what you see while developing the app are exactly the same: Javascript code. All the variable types, for example, are always the expected ones, and not "masked" types, like in the case of the Boolean variables in the previous AB, which are not real Boolean variables, but string variables with a value of "true" or "false". And this is only a little sample, Samuel.

On the other hand the new DecSoft App Builder continue offering visual editors for the required controls properties, for example, the provided editor for the Items propety of the Dropdown control.

Give an opportunity to the new IDE, Samuel. Has been written from the scratch, taking in consideration our own experience developing apps with AB. Maybe the new product can't be sold "ready for newbies", like the previous AB, but, I really think that the decision to avoid the usage of the "actions" are something good for all of us, including these newbies... that are going to be no more newbies.

P.S. As you can probably see, the new AB incorporates the "Frames" concept, that you suggest time ago, do you remember? :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Usar la variable APP_ID con el plugin AdMob)

Hola Juan,

Lo que lamento es no tener tiempo (en poco tiempo... sabrá usted porqué...) para probarlo... puesto que si se trata de crear un directorio, en principio, es el plugin (quien lo necesita) el que tiene que crearlo, o bien Apache Cordova... y tal vez tenga que ver con la versión del plugin o de Cordova... puede que se solucione en sucesivas versiones... en fin, de momento, diré que me alegro de que encontrase la forma de seguir adelante.

DecSoft (In thread: Usar la variable APP_ID con el plugin AdMob)

Hola Juan,

Según la documentación del plugin, esta es la forma de indicar el ID:

Por favor, asegúrese de que está indicándolo tal cual y pruebe a compilar la app de ese modo.

DecSoft (In thread: Usar la variable APP_ID con el plugin AdMob)

Hola Juan,

Entonces, es posible que estemos ante un error del propio plugin de Apache Cordova, sobre el que deberá investigar. Añadiendo el ID tal como le he dicho, y, como podrá ver, los archivos "BAT" generados por DecSoft App Builder incluyen dicho ID al instalar el plugin... tal como parece necesitarse... igual es que el ID debe ponerse de alguna forma especial, como entrecomillado... algo así...

DecSoft (In thread: Usar la variable APP_ID con el plugin AdMob)

Hola Juan,

Este plugin ha estado funcionando como es espera en el pasado, sin indicar ID alguno, y, es extraño, porque, al intentar probar el ejemplo "AdMob" ahora mismo en mi teléfono, pareciera que no se reconoce el plugin, y, la función de "error" es ejecutada. Sin embargo, la app compila perfectamente y sin errores en Apache Cordova...

Vamos a probar lo siguiente, de momento. Abra el archivo "C:\Users\[Su nombre de usuario]\Documents\AppBuilder\Plugins\AdMob\Plugin.xml" y cambie la siguiente línea:

... cambie dicha línea de manera que incluya el ID que parece necesitar, por ejemplo:

Pruebe con el mismo ejemplo "AdMob" que se incluye en DecSoft App Builder, y, por favor, comente por aquí el resultado.

DecSoft (In thread: Using certain Cordova SQLite plugin)

Hello Ryan,

Please, no problem at all. If I was not as busy as I am (and you will know in what in the near future... and I hope that you enjoy it..) I will try the plugin by myself... maybe I can finally do it... there are various samples about JSON (see JSON, JSON2, JSON3 samples apps)... it's quite easy to work with JSON, and, since the FileWrite and FileRead works with text files... and we can serialize any JSON and unserialize it... can be a possible to store complex data offline, that is, something more complex than simply plain text. But the SQLite plugin must work... for sure that must work... or at least we must know what is happen... and if what happen can be solved or what...

DecSoft (In thread: Using certain Cordova SQLite plugin)

Hello Ryan,

Of course maybe you can consider other possibles ways, for example, JSON: you can use the FileWrite and FileRead actions to read and write JSON files, for example. Deal with JSON is quite easy, in principle. JSON is a Javascript notation by itself, that is, if we save an Array, what we get when load the JSON is an Array, if we save objects, what we get are objects ready to use. But anyway the point is why the SQLite plugin don't work... are you try with an empty (or not empty) existing file database? Maybe this can work... so you can get the SQLite plugin working...

DecSoft (In thread: Using certain Cordova SQLite plugin)

Hello Ryan,

I can read here that the method that you refers open a database, but, don't mention that can create a database if not exists. That's a good point... because if the plugin need to create a file in "//data/data//databases/"... maybe we need some special permissions or something like that? Are you try by provide an already existing database file, even when it's empty? So use the files manager to pick a database file in order to be use... and try to open it... in this way at least we avoid the creation, that maybe it's causing the problem. Because you are right... we are talking about Javascript at the end... must works...

DecSoft (In thread: Using certain Cordova SQLite plugin)

Hello Ryan,

For sure we can't use the absolute path of your computer: we can choose that file when using the app files manager. To me "com.ptsapp.pts/files/" is rare, because I am not sure where you view this path, or if that is the path in which the plugin expect the database files.

In the best case, the path can be changed with the provided one, so, we can add the database file using the app files manager and therefore can use a path like "app/files/myDatabase.db". Exactly in the same way that you can use another file, like a JSON file, for example.

In the worst case, the plugin expect the files to be in the path that you referred... so we must manually copy the database file in that path, which must be inside some of the "platforms\android\" folders... the point is that the plugin's documentation must be clear about all of this...

DecSoft (In thread: Using certain Cordova SQLite plugin)

Hello Ryan,

I am not understand the Android SDK -> Android... if you add a file from the Other tab in the app files manager, that file is copied with the other app files (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.) in the "app/files/" path. So, if you add a "MyFile.db" from that place, the final path for that file is "app/files/MyFile.db". Are you tried with that? How you try? Can place here the paths that you are trying to use and in what variable are you set it?

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