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DecSoft (In thread: Populate typeahead control from httpclient)

Hello Peter,

Take a look at the below modified "TypeAhead" sample: I hope that more or less can suit what you need:

Copy the above code and save it in a file like "MyApp.ab". The open that app file with DecSoft App Builder and run it.

DecSoft (In thread: Generar archivo apk)

Hola Juan,

Me alegro. :-) Instalar Apache Cordova y sus dependencias no es sencillo, pero, una vez hecho... ya podemos comenzar a pensar en la propia app, que, es lo que nos interesa. A veces Apache Cordova hace de las suyas... pero hay bastante información en internet, puesto que se trata de un proyecto muy utilizado. De momento, siempre hemos conseguido salir adelante, eso sí, con más o menos trabajo por delante, es verdad. :-)

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects)

You're welcome! The point is that you got what you wanted. :-)

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects)

Hello Samuel,

Yes; the "$$hashkey" is added by AngularJS internally for their own purposes. The "problem" is that commonly we simply can ignore this property, except in case like what we are having here: we want to store the objects and therefore the objects are stored with their possible "$$hashkey" properties. Maybe this can be investigated in some way... but probably it's enough to "simply" iterate the objects before save it... in order to remove whatever properties that we don't want to store.

P.S. One thing to note: the "$$haskey" property are only added when the objects are part of a Report 's Data, for example, that is, commonly, we can have a list of objects or whatever structure... and nobody interfere in that objects: in this case the variable are assigned to a Report's Data, and then retrieved, and, here yes, the Report's processing added to their Data (our objects) the "$$hashkey", which may we need to remove, or not, depend on what we wanted.

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects)

Hello Samuel,

Thinking about... maybe your problem is exactly what I have in the "TodoApp" sample? That is,... what you want is to save a previously "reported data", and, at that time, the "$$hashKey" has been added behind the scene. So, when you try to load the saved data... a "$$haskey" property already exists in the objects, and therefore it's not possible to add a new one. So probably what you must to do is to delete the "$$haskey" property before save the object... and this is exactly what you can see in the "TodoApp" Ready event.

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects)

Hello Samuel,

Looking at the "TodoApp" sample... well... I remember that I deal with "$$hashKey"... but what I do is to delete that key from the objects, before saved it to the local storage. So it's not exactly your case, Samuel. If I am not wrong, what you must to do is to assert that every object in your array are unique, and, this can be reached by adding another property to the object which are unique.

But reading twice your message... now I am not sure if what I imagine (the required unique objects) can be the problem in your specific case... or may you need to delete the "$$hashKey" property (then yes, look at the "TodoApp" app's Ready event. Or maybe we are talking about other thing... so please, go ahead and post here whatever you consider that can help... in order to try to help you too! :-)

DecSoft (In thread: Populate typeahead control from httpclient)

Yes; I think Samuel is right (thanks for your help here, sir). What the Typeahead control expected is an Array of strings, and not an Array of objects, so we must prepare the appropriate Array to be used from our Array of objects.

P.S. Just to add something... if we can provide to the app the right Array... instead of Array of object... that's better, because we no need to do it in the app itself. In other words, if we can do it in the server's side, better. If not, we can always do it in the app, of course.

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects)

Hello Samuel,

Yes; Report sources (Data), for example, don't support duplicates registries. Depend on the context, but, one possible way to avoid it is to add to the objects that you shown above another unique property, for example, an "ID" property which are unique per every object.

Please, go ahead if you have any further question around this or if need a bit more help. Take a look also at the recently added "TodoApp" sample, in which we must deal exactly with the same issue: save and restore (in the app's local storage) an array of objects.

DecSoft (In thread: Generar archivo apk)

Hola Juan,

Recuerde que hablamos de errores o "problemas" con Apache Cordova y su instalación, no tanto de App Builder. Esto no se lo digo por otra cosa sino, porque, en internet, en Google, pongamos por caso, podremos encontrar más información sobre estos posibles mensajes de error o "problems" con Apache Cordova: puesto que Apache Cordova va más allá de App Builder, hay muchas personas usándolo por su cuenta, con otros entornos de desarrollo, etc: los errores y "problemas" serán los mismos para todos.

Viendo su mensaje de error, personalmente, me aseguraría de que el Java JDK está instalado... en una versión 1.8 ó superior, tal como se dice en el mensaje de error.

DecSoft (In thread: New App Builder release 2019.41 (06/13/2019))

Hello to all,

Here is a new DecSoft App Builder release, with the below changes, fixes and enhancements:

Read the entire product's history

DecSoft (In thread: Generar archivo apk)

Hola Juan,

Busque sobre cómo establecer una variable de entorno o de sistema en Microsoft Windows. Verá que en su sistema, tanto a nivel de este como de usuario, tiene una variable de nombre "PATH". Ahí deben especificarse algunas rutas, como la que lleve al directorio "root" de Android SDK. Por favor, revise este artículo de la documentación de Apache Cordova, y, siga arriba y abajo en la misma página del artículo.

DecSoft (In thread: Generar archivo apk)

Hola Juan,

Primero que nada, no se preocupe: instalar Apache Cordova y sus dependencias, así como el Android SDK, etc., no es sencillo al principio, sin embargo, no sólo será más sencillo en el segundo intento, sino que, no tendrá que hacerlo a menudo: una vez su sistema esté preparado, podrá crear tantas APK como quiera, y, seguir haciéndolo en el futuro, actualizando Cordova, por ejemplo, que, suele resultar mucho más sencillo que su instalación.

Eche un vistazo a esta entrada de nuestro blog, empero, no olvide de lo que se trata: instalar Apache Cordova, de modo que, toda la información que pueda encontrar en la propia página web de Apache Cordova, así como buscando en Google acerca de su instalación, le será útil para finalmente llevarlo a cabo. Una vez hecho, no tendrá sino ejecutar el archivo "BAT" correspondiente que AB habrá generado para su aplicación.

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Renewal a DecSoft product expired license)

Hello Samuel,

At your service! I mention the NeoPlugins, because, as you can see in your DecSoft's customer area, it's possible to upgrade that expired license: in the same way that you can upgrade DecSoft App Builder... if your license has been expired, which is not the case right now.

DecSoft (In thread: [Solved] Renewal a DecSoft product expired license)

Hello Samuel,

According to our database, your license for DecSoft App Buidler is not expired, so probably what happen is that you are trying to use an old serial number. Please, login into your DecSoft's customer area, and, you can grab your new serial number from there.

On the other hand, certainly you have some NeoPlugins license expired: in this case, you can upgrade it also from your DecSoft's customer area. In the same way, if your DecSoft App Builder license was expired, you can also renew it from your DecSoft's customer area.

Please, Samuel, let me know if you need help to login into your DecSoft's customer area.

DecSoft (In thread: Control Mediaplayer)

Hola Juan,

Lo lamento de veras, pero, sigo sin entender exactamente de qué se trata. Como le he comentado arriba, un control "MediaPlayer" puede tener, para empezar, la "pantalla completa" deshabilitada. De hecho, en un "MediaPlayer" "audio", creo yo que esta opción no tiene mucho sentido, puesto que, como dice, lo que aparece es una pantalla en negro...

Entonces, ¿no sería lo suyo impedir esa "ventana en negro"? Incluso ocultar el control "MediaPlayer"... de modo que podría usar un control Imagen o algo así para mostrar la animación que quisiese... aunque está hablando de una animación CSS... que, no es lo que yo tengo en la cabeza: una especie de GIF... que se reprodujese mientras el "MediaPlayer" está también reproduciéndose.

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