Posts by Donald Walker

Show threads by Donald Walker
98 posts found, page 1 of 7

Donald Walker (In thread: {Solved} Missing Generated *.bat Files)

Windows 10 works fine for me. Maybe it has to do with installing 10 over an existing installation? ??

Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

David "Array" Esperalta

Nothing is being lost. What you have remains. Only a simpler version is added. :-)

Don "Simple" Walker

Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

I think it might depend on the type of customer base you are seeking. If they are more like you than me then the array is fine. Based on the other app builders around that I have seen, they are more complex in nature and would push me away. Yours can be a bit daunting to someone at my level but once I get the feel of how it works it is fine but remember I have a lot of NB background as well.

I was never a fan of arrays in NB either as I had become accustomed to the simpler drop downs was generally able to make use of them. So my consideration here is not too imporantant in the grand scheme of things. However, if you are targeting a more novice level of person then I think a basic drop down with just a list like in NB would be a good feature,

Thanks and keep on truckin'

One more question for you: Do you create the controls and actions from scratch or are they components part of Delphi or a combination of both or ? Just curious.


Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

ok good point. I will consider. Thanks for the dialog as always.

Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

I've been using the arrays, but I have to go into the dark spots of my brain to do that. :-)

I hope you understand I was not asking you to change what you have, Just to add another control (I'm guessing you can do that, but may you get them from some far off space in the galaxy) with a more basic struture, no auto updating but just what you put in is what you get.

Either way no biggy.

Donald Walker (In thread: Iframes and External URL)


Your Google Map Sample is a great one. I did notice however that it does not show up in the sample list but is in fact in the sample folder. I'm guessing you create the list manually or maybe from an array,,,hahhahhaha


Donald Walker (In thread: Iframes and External URL)


Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

Too complicated for old guys. I don't like to think that hard. :-)

8 out of 10 times all I need is simple list. Remember my background.

If others think the same then......if not then array it is.


What does UP! mean, like What's UP! or

Donald Walker (In thread: Iframes and External URL)

I don't think we meshed up on the question. The sample for the Iframe worked fine. But it only used local html files. I was trying to change them to use http:\\ but got problems when doing that. I will check out the new sample and see if that clarifies things for me. That is a great sample app.

Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

Oh my that was easy. I looked in plugins folders and did not check Cardova. Sheesh!

Donald Walker (In thread: Iframes and External URL)

I am trying the sample app. It has a couple local html files that are shown. If I try put in a url in the Iframe url, it does not show it. I found you need to remove the two local urls from the file manager. Then when I run it it does not keep showing the local urls. However the debugger mode will not show the external url either. If I select to show in another window it pops up a window that will show it.

Any comments on this behavior?

Request for when you can, can you add an external url to your sample.


Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

To use the Cordova Geolocation plugin it appears I must go find it. So I went to github and found the apache cordova geolocation plugin and downloaded the zip file. Now I am not sure what to do with it.


Do I have the right plugin for your Location control?

Where should I unzip the plugin to make use of it.

The file structure in AppBuilder Plugins looks different than the zip file.

Am I on the right track ? :-)


Donald Walker (In thread: Screen Splash)

Not sure if this is relavent but I found that I had to provide the images at exactly the size as stipulated in the help section for splash screens. I tried with smaller image size and could not get it to work. Also on my android phone, the splash screen only shows up on the first run of the app. After that it is not there until the op system removes the app from memory and then you can run it again and it will show up. I am not positive this is how it all works at all but it is my best guess for now.

Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

AhhhhHaaaa my day already has value as I have learned new things! Hurray!


Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

What I would ultimately do is display a map image on my screen, ariel. tap a location on the image that gives my coordinates at that location. and saves them in memory, but somehow links them to the map where I clicked.

Then when I move to another location, tap that location on the screen . and it does the same. So now the program has a ruler or scale realated to the map image. If I click on another location further down the way but do not move to that location, can it tell me how far away that would be.

Ok, it's a simple golf game app for now. You step up to the tee and get your location. Hit he ball and go find it. Now you are 250 yards closer to the pin. The hole is 500 yards long. So you next shot should be 250 yards also. Sometimes you have to hit 4 or 5 or 10 shots to get there. I would always want to know how far away from my pin I am.

Any ideas other than go buy one online? There is a lot more I would like to do with this than just that.

Any help or ideas are appreciated.

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