Posts by Donald Walker

Show threads by Donald Walker
98 posts found, page 2 of 7

Donald Walker (In thread: Simple Dropdown or List)

My request is for a simple way to create a fairly limited dropdown control that would Not use an array and index.

One that would simply all entry text or numbers in the listing
and then would set the value of the [mydropdown.text] to be whichever one was selected.

No array or idex involved.

That;s it. What say you David in your spare time?

Donald Walker (In thread: {Suggestion} Controls or Components)

What do you think would be the best control to place that type of link?

Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

You say it works as is in browsers, does that mean that the debugger run will provide location information?

I see that you put the alertbox in the Location Control rather than the pushbutton and I am not getting any alert that way.

The alert box does not popup.

Am I missing a component or do I need to check someathing?

Donald Walker (In thread: {Suggestion} Controls or Components)

Paypal just came out with something new for getting mobile and web payments. called When clicked from an app it will allow the clicker to send you money from their paypal account. Seems legit from what I can tell but make your own investigation and I say full disclaimers here.

I crated on and it seems good but have not used it for payment yet.

From their email:

PayPal.Me/yournamehere is your new link to getting paid

Just post your PayPal.Me link on your website, social media profile, or emails. Customers can see your link on any of their devices, enter a payment amount, log in, and they're done - money is sent to you in an instant. When you receive the money, you pay your standard fee.

Like other PayPal transactions, PayPal.Me payments are secure. You and your customer are both protected by PayPal Seller and Purchase Protection for eligible transactions. And if your customer doesn't already have a PayPal account, they can sign up in seconds.

Next time you need to get paid for goods and services, choose convenience and use PayPal.Me.

For more information, go to



Donald Walker (In thread: Location Control)

I do not see a sample for the Location control. It might be there but is not called Location.

Can you explain a bit how this works. I know I can place the control (is it visible or not)

I see the Getlocaton action which links up with the control.

How do we get the results to display?


Donald Walker (In thread: Save As and File Manager)

Yes I think so. It is not a biggy. If I see it happen again I will let you know.

Can you tell me what happens when you select let's say an image using the file manager? Does it get copied somewhere or is it just posting the path,


Donald Walker (In thread: Save As and File Manager)

Yes my new files have a new app name, I probably should not have said new revision because it is a new app that gets compiled in another directory. But the question remains, does something happen when you select the file (like copy somewhere) as the relative path is still the same in the file manager. If the file is not selected in the new app then there is nothing in the path folder.

Donald Walker (In thread: Save As and File Manager)

I've noticed that when I do a Save As with my app and then open the new version, the file manager shows the files associated with the Saved From App, but they are omitted from any compile until I select them again. There must be something happening in the select portion of the activity that needs to happen again with the new app.

Just an observation in case someone else runs into this.

Csn this be confirmed?

Donald Walker (In thread: Labels Text in Design mode)

Sometimes I want to use white text in a label while others are black. How can I change my settings so that my labels have a gray background in design mode so I can see my text.

I looked at program options but do not see where I set label or control font colors in design mode only.

This is not a big issue but was wondering if I am missing anything. Any thoughts on this?

Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)

Ok problem solved

If you use the copy path feature it will give you this path.


You cannot use that. it must be


I tried that before but was missing on of the ticks :-)

A suggestion for future update is that the copy path use he ../ instead of the app/

Also it was not clear to me that I needed to use the file manager to make this all happen. Now I got it! Yay!

Learning can be painfull but always feels good when it is over..


Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)

I am not able to get the image to display in my app so we must dig further.

Please confirm:

I selected the image using the file manager.

I copied the path using the copy path tool and then went to my view that I want to show the image on and in the style section
put this in the backgroundimage property


or (I tried both)


Is there anything else I must do?

Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)

I have also placed images in the same folder as the icons and when running the app they are deleted.

I see you put the image in that folder. Any idea as to why it deleted them?

Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)


For the sake of clarification, and maybe me not knowing the basics here:


how do you get that path? I mean it looks like you found it with a tool and then pasted it into the code

can you explain the path syntax. ../ what does that signify in AB, it goes back to what base folder, and which base folder.

Does a full path not work here?

I know this is probably obvious but if I get confused the others might also so I am asking for clarification.


Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)

Thanks for all of that David. You da man!

Donald Walker (In thread: Background Image)


This broswer in AB is read only in the forum. At least for me it is, Anyway to make it so we can copy code samples from the forum views?

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