Entradas de Jean Marc Pacouret

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Jean Marc Pacouret (In thread: NeoPlugins - Question about the npCamp plugin)

Thanks for the prompt answer. I have to search how to circumvent this issue.

Jean Marc Pacouret (In thread: NeoPlugins - Question about the npCamp plugin)

Hello David. When I try to put a diagonal line or any other figure on the npCams screen, I get a black rectangle defined by the two ends of the line. Is there a trick or a hidden function to hide the rectangle?. I tried transparent line with no success. The ideal would be to have the possibility to show on the npCams rectangle any picture with transparency (circles (no disk). Maybe in a future version or an additional plugin (i'll purchase it immediately!)?. Apart from this limitation, works fine and adds a lot to VisualNeo.

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