Hello Amin,
Certainly I can see some "rare things" around your issue. For example, the app Ready is suposed to be fired once the DOM is ready (if the app is running in the browser) or when the device is ready (if the app is running in a Cordova platform like Android).
However, despiste the above, if we place a code like this in the app Ready event:
... what we can see is a "0" (zero), means there is no "test_id" element, and therefore we can't attach any event handler on it. However, if you place such alert before your event code handler, you can see that the event is fired... something unuseful, because we can't place such alert there...
I made several tests, however, nothing works as expected (for this specific case) in the app Ready event. If you can move your code into the view Show event, then the things works as expected. So the question is, can you move the code into the view Show event, Amin?
Hello Amin,
This disturb me a bit, because, I think this cannot be considered a solution, however, if we use a "setTimeout", even as smaller as 100 milliseconds, then the code also works in the app Ready event:
I say it's not a solution... because I did not see it elegant, since, maybe the solution must be to know what really is happen... however, can be taken as a possible workaround, if we can't move the code into the view Show event, then use the app Ready one, but with the above "setTimeout", which certainly works...
I am not very friend to use something like the "setTimeout" for cases like this... so... my recommendation is to use the view Show event if possible.
Hello Amin,
For sure something is "missing" here. I try to update the jQuery library and AngularJS to their latest versions without lucky. Certainly I understand the point of use the app Ready event instead of the view Show event. This is something that works as a charm in the current generation of AB, and, I use it in various apps. What happen in the previous generation of AB (in your discovered issue) is a mistery to me right now **, however, I find that we can use the app Ready event as you wanted, if we can use events delegation, that is, the below code, placed in the app Ready event, works as expected:
** Apparently what happen is more or less clear: when the app Ready event is fired (in principle, when the DOM is ready if the app is running in a browser), the app view HTML markup is not certainly ready to use, so, the elements that we wanted don't exists, and therefore we can't attach any event handler to it. Probably we must asume this "as is": we can't use the app Ready to attach events handlers, except if we delegate the events like in the above code. That... or use the view Show event, in which certainly the elements are ready to be used or manipulated.
Hello Amin,
No problem! I am happy to help when possible. :-)
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