Tabs on Form Designer

John Clarke
When I open the form designer the dialogs for items like views, properties, etc are all open. Is there anyway to set it up so that they are collapsed and on the side bar all the time without me needing to close them when I open a design view ?


Hello John,

I think I understand your point. There is someting called "layouts" in AB1, maybe you remember it. That "layouts" is something that must be implemented in AB2. The point is that it's not an easy thing... even no possible... the last time I try it. But I will try again with that, John, I know that layouts, have different layouts, it's something good, so, I must work on it. For now... you must pin / close it everytime... but I hope in the future the layouts are supported in AB2 like are supported in AB1.

P.S. If I don't understand your question, please, post your comments here and I will try to help!

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