Debug version works fine but release version still error.

Debug version works fine but release version still error.
Hello Kim,
Maybe it's related with the Cordova version? Trying here with cordova-android@^8.0.0, I can't reproduce the problem, that is, I use a splash screen from an existing project in a new AB2 app, then prepare a release and everything works as expected. Maybe an update of Gradle can help here too.
Another point can be to take a look at the AB2 Program -> Options -> Behaviour -> Splash... trying to compress a bit more the used splash screen. Try to provide a more or less customized PNG splash screen too, for example, I use here 1024x1024 image of 442 Kb.
The Splash screen plugin used is the official one, and, it's included by default when a splash screen is provided.
Hello Kim,
Glad to know that you finally get it working! :-)
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