Sidebar from right side

Mario Steinbacher
Hello David! I'm asking myself, is there a way to let the sidebar come from right side and stay at the right side? if not ... this would be an awesome feature. best regards mario


Hello Mario!

Please, try by placing the below CSS in the app's Style option:

Mario Steinbacher
Thank you David! Other question: I'm not able to download the latest version, I'm getting an windows error. my current version is 2021.1 this is what I get when i click on Tools -> Check for Updates Access violation at address 0000000000409863 in module 'AppBuilder.exe'. Read of address 00000010119A2F2.


Hello Mario,

Yes; I know about that problem. It's related with the change of our domain to Please, download the latest version and install it manually: next updates become again availables from the program.

Mario Steinbacher


But now I have to swipe to the left to hide the sidebar.


Hello Mario,

Humm... If I am not wrong, we can continue hidding or showing the sidebar as we wanted... that is... certainly, may you must change the way in which you show or hide the sidebar... or may I am missing something?

Mario Steinbacher
Hello David,

If you can remember a month or two ago you implemented the feature "swipe left ON sidebar" to hide the sidebar.
but not swipe right would be needed.
because now when you swipe left on the sidebar on the right side it hides. This is not intuitive.


Hello Mario,

Yes; I am understand your point. What do you think if the "swiperight" was also implemented like the "swipeleft"? That is, in both cases, hide the sidebar... maybe can be enough? I think that can be enough... since in both cases we hide the sidebar... but what do you think about, Mario?

Mario Steinbacher
Hello David,

what I mean is when I have placed the sidebar on the right side, with the css you provided earlier.
I am able to hide the sidebar by swiping to the left. (without code from me anywhere)
It should be swiping to the right to hide the sidebar if the siderbar is on the right side. And swiping to the left if the sidebar is on the left side.
This would be an awesome feature in the Settings to choose from. like: position of the sidebar menu: left or right (with correct swipe direction to hide)
Do you understand what I mean?

best regards


Hello Mario,

Yes; I understand your point of view. I am right now really busy and can't promise a date, but, I will try to add some kind of "direction" option to the Sidebar. I am not sure about the implementation, and, for that reason I suggest to hide the sidebar on both left and right swipes gestures. But I will take a look to see if certainly it's possible to implement some kind of "direction" option to the Sidebar.


Hello Mario,

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