App auto generated CSS

Amin Mousavi

Hi David,

At inline CSS section, many copies of my CSS has been created and when I noticed there where about 13 copies each slightly different from the other.

All have this part in common though.

Is there a way I can get rid the unnecessary duplicated copies?

Thanks a mill


Hello Amin,

Sorry, but, I am not completely sure if can understand the problem, so I have some questions: 1º Are you tried to delete the "_Cache" folder? That solve the problem? 2º Can you describe a bit more the problem, please? 3º Can you prepare a sample app in which I can see the problem reproduced?

I am trying here to modify the Inline CSS option (we are talking of the previous generation of App Builder, not the current one), save the app, close it, reopen it, compile it various times, etc., and can't see nothing rare around...

I am not sure if this issue is related with a more or less "old" AB1 release... I can remember some "duplicates CSS" solved in newer releases... Note this from the product's history file:

But I am not sure if the above is the case... because, if I am not wrong, above I am not talking about the Inline CSS option... I am talking about the generated CSS files by AB, but not specifically (and I cannot remember) related with the Inline CSS option...

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,
Yes it is the AB1, well, it is 3000 line of CSS at the whole app, that is why cleaning it up is very hard.
One of the views can be viewed here

If you inspect the leaderboard part in the iframe that is build by AB1, you can see that #Top10view has been repeated many times, and when I open inline css section I see all the css duplicated like this (I only copy the top parts of each portion)
Before it catches my eyes and I can find time to attend to it, it has created 10-12 copies and now I have 83000 line of css to deal with.
Your help is very much appreciated.


Hello Amin,

This is quite rare... I mean, if I am not wrong, the duplicates CSS issue (which has been fixed in the past) are related with the CSS code generated by AB1, but, not the Inline CSS option! Talking about this Inline CSS option I simply can't reproduce the problem here... at least in the current release of AB1 I can't reproduce the problem... Please, Amin, try to reproduce the problem in a sample app... try to add some CSS code, compile the app, save it, repeat this operations, and, tell me if you can see the duplicates issue...

In fact its quite rare that you see a code like the below in the Inside CSS option:

... why? Because the Inline CSS code is not autogenerated by AB1... it's your CSS code... AB don't touch that CSS code... I just mention it because it's rare (double rare) that that comments appear in the Inline CSS option...

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,
I have absolutely no clue how it has got there. I minify and unminified all the inline css section to make classes comparable and then searched for classes one by one an a two hours process cleaned it all up. I debugged and things look okay so far. I have an eye on it and if it happened again will leave the details here.
Thanks for the quick response and brilliant support as always


Hello Amin,

About the minimize: when you use the minimize tool of AB1, the Incline CSS is also minimized, so, you no need to manually do it. About the possible bug, certainly, if we can find a way to reproduce it, then we can try to do something about!

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