Hello John,
The short answer is no, John. Consider that React is not a "normal" third party Javascript library, but, an entire Javascript framework in which we can base our "single page" HTML apps. Well, DecSoft App Builder uses another framework, and, the entire product (the IDE, the native controls, our apps template, etc.) are based in this other framework and therefore cannot be replaced by React "as easy" as we can use any other kind of third party Javascript libraries, which you know it's perfectly possible.
P.S. Of course, we can use an IFrame control in our apps in order to run a React app or any other kind of HTML app. And may we can communicate from one app to another using the "iframe" HTML messages (take a look at the "IFrame2" sample app), but, this is not a "yes" answer for your question, John, I just comment this because if we need something like that, it's possible to do it, but, the answer for your question is in the first paragraph of this post.
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