HTML control field to a text control

Joseph Caristena

I am programming a simple autofill zip code.

I inserted the js file called index.js in
File's Manager

The App Path is:

And then the css file called style.css in
File's Manager

The App Path is:

Then I am using the HTML control to insert the HTML code of the page.

Now I have to get the selected value of a textbox called autofill:

and insert the value in a text control of a View form.

How can I transfer the value of a field from HTML control to a text control of a View form ?

Here is the link of the HTML file:

Joseph Caristena


Hello Joseph,

The inputs' "datalist" are quite interesting, but, what about to use the Typeahead control already included in App Builder? Are you take a look at this control in the Typeahead app sample?

Another possible approach is to use the Select control, who allow us to choose one element from the list. This control is useful also in mobiles, since the OS show us a cute list of elements to choose.

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