[CLOSED] Suggestion: moving App batch to Program's options

Samuel Vanneste

Not a request but a suggestion (because I do not probably have all the information about the choice done and impacts for other developers) : it appears strange to me that we have to set all the paths to Java Home, Ant Home and Android Home for each app we create.
Shouldn't we have to set them once in the program's options ? Perhaps those paths could be copied in the app's options when we create a new one ?




Hello Samuel,

Please, le me to try to reply you starting by some questions:

1º Do you know the refered paths are completely optionals (Look here) and in fact we no need specify except in certain "rare" scenario?

2º So,... are you try without using such options at all? For example, personally I no need to specify the paths and therefore just leave blank such options.

Certainly I am not quite sure (right now) if the options are well placed in the app itself or may be placed in the program options. A vote for the first one can be than doing that such configuration stay into the app project file, so probably are more easy to keep "as is".

Samuel Vanneste

Hello David,
No, I am sorry, I did not noticed that the paths were optional. Thanks a lot :)


Hello Samuel,

Please do not apologize, it's my fault to not specify in some way than this paths are optionals. In fact this is not clear in the help file nor the window dialog, so the appear as required when it's not. I will try to solve this Samuel.



Ok. The Bath tab are now only forthe Extra BAT stuff:

And a new tab named "Paths" has been added:

Hope this can help in the future. Thanks Samuel!

Samuel Vanneste

Thanks a lot David. Quickest than the wind :)


You're welcome! :)

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