Threads by Samuel Vanneste

Show posts by Samuel Vanneste
42 threads found, page 1 of 3
Android : capture audio 7 Feature request : fixing the layout 8 New AB : interface layout ? 2 Visual actions vs pure Javascript 9 [Solved] Saving and reloading an Array of Objects 8 [Solved] Renewal a DecSoft product expired license 4 [Well done :) ] Feature request : Code indentation 5 [SOLVED] Is the "IsEmail" action still working as before? 7 [SOLVED] Retrieve the properties of Object ? 6 [CLOSED] IsJSON crashing ? 4 [SOLVED] Questions about context of the app 14 Auto scaled apps and placement 9 [SOLVED] Vertically align a text in a label ? 8 App samples - not all searchable 4 [SOLVED] Filling a Report from a JSON String ? 8

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