How do I app frame scrolling?


I have built an App with cordova and which is working fine. But when I swipe left or up on the screen, the app interface shift though still in the size able state.

I want my app to full the scree and not to shake when swipe, as if I am in a web form.

Pla. Will appreciate a guide to resolve this.



Hello Kasito,

Are you set the app's "Scale" option to "True"?


Hello Kasito,

Also, take a look and assert the "Disallow over scroll" option is checked:

On the other hand, if you try with other app samples like the "IFrames" one, you get the same "wrong" behaviour?


Hi David

I have disallow over scroll, but it still the same. But when I install the old version of AB the I got the result fine, but don't need the old version cos it has no Signing tool.

How do I resolve this with new version.


Hello Kasito,

This is quite rare, that is, I can't remember some "break" change in this aspect introduced in the recent App Builder releases. Can you provide me with a minimal application sample in order to try it here Kasito?

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