Hello David,
It seems that the report's footer is put just after its header. Or perhaps am I doing something wrong ? Or should I use some CSS to move the footer ?
Some code extracted
Hello David,
It seems that the report's footer is put just after its header. Or perhaps am I doing something wrong ? Or should I use some CSS to move the footer ?
Some code extracted
Hello Samuel,
Are you tried with the "Report10" sample? I appreciate your code, but, I am not sure if they are copied from the output HTML, which in fact is generated in runtime, then, may doesn't corresponde with what you place in the Report control. Can you please provide here a little application sample to reproduce the problem?
Thanks David,
Here is a demo project : MyApp.ab
But the report10 example reminded me the way to do : using the TD tag instead of anything else. Don't know why I did not found it myself.
Closed. Thanks a lot
Hello Samuel,
Yes; you got it. The header and footer must be placed in TD tag(s) if we are using a Report's with the Wrapper variable set to "table". If we set the Wrapper variable to "grid" we no need the TD tag(s) at all.
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