Hello CIS,
Certainly we can prepare the required stuff to not only retrieve and show information from a webserver, allowing to add and edit information too, but probably this is out of the scope of the Report app sample. Maybe we can prepare an specific app sample to doing something like you wanted, however, in the meanwhile, note what are the required stuff in order to do something like that:
1º We firstly need a webserver capable to receive HTTP GET and POST requests and also to store the information in some kind of database like MySQL, for example.
2º We need to prepare some kind of API accesible by HTTP calls in URL like the below ones:
3º We can use a Report control to process and show the JSON data provided by the "get.php" HTTP requests. Note we can add some arguments to the URL in order to retrieve specific information, for example, this URL:
... can produce different results than this other URL:
4º The "edit.php" script can be ready to accept some record specific ID, for example:
The above URL can respond with a ready to parse variables list text like these:
We can use the "ParseVariables" action to get the variables from the response and show their content in a couple of Text input controls.
5º The same app view which show that Text input controls can have a Push button to made an HTTP POST request to the same "edit.php" script, providing the updated information of the edited record.
6º In order to add new records to the database we only need the appropiate Input controls and to made an HTTP POST request to the "add.php" script, providing the appropiate record information.
Probably this is not a complete answer since I do not add what you wanted to the Report control, but I tell you how something like that can be made using App Builder. Maybe in the near future we prepare an app sample around this.