Hello David,
I am trying to integrate OneSignal Push Server (100% free and unlimited) into AB. You have to register with your developer ID. OneSignal has a cordova plugin: https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/cordova-sdk and I have integrated into AB on Cordova Custom plugin with onesignal-cordova-plugin. The plug-in it is working very good, but I have a doubt getting response from JSON.
The JavaScript is using the function JSON.stringify so you can question to the user within a PUSH notification, get the answer and use in your APP ;-D. I have store the result into a AB var with: window.App.RootScope.var_push_opened = JSON.stringify(jsonData);
The mainly problem is that none of the AB array actions cannot handle the JSON.stringify
This is the var containt for JSON.stringify(jsonData)
Do you have any example with JSON.stringify done for AB? Any idea o clue for this issue?
Thank you so much!!!