Show a Details view when click on a Report's record row

Joseph Caristena

How can I connect a "RowClick" event to a View ?

Joseph Caristena


Hola Joseph,

Sorry, but, I am not sure if can understand you perfectly. What do you means by "connect a RowClick" to a View?

Samuel Vanneste

Hello Joseph,
I would take a look at the "DecSoft" app sample shipped with AB. There is a function OpenProgramUrl to modify as a first step to find your solution. That function is linked to the Report.Click event.
To access a view, you can use ShowView or ReplaceView (but I am sure you already knew that).
Hope this can help


Hello to all,

Hello Joseph,
I would take a look at the "DecSoft" app sample shipped with AB. There is a function OpenProgramUrl to modify as a first step to find your solution. That function is linked to the Report.Click event.
To access a view, you can use ShowView or ReplaceView (but I am sure you already knew that).
Hope this can help

Thanks for your help Samuel! Certainly I also think to suggest the usage of the "ShowView" or "ReplaceView" actions in the RowClick event, in order to shown an app's view. But I am not sure if this is what Joseph wanted. Maybe he can provide us more details about.

Joseph Caristena

Thanks to all the members for the contribution;)
How can I connect a "RowClick" event to a View, using the "ShowView" or "ReplaceView".

In details I am not sure about the code to use.
Maybe it can useful to dwonload an example or project.

Joseph Caristena


Hello Joseph,

The point is what you wanted... that is, the "RowClick" is a Report's control event that are fired when an user click or tap into an Report's record row. This even it not particularly different than any other, and, in fact we can prepare in that even one or more actions to be executed, like the "ShowView" or "ReplaceView" actions.

So I am not sure what you wanted exactly... sorry for that!

Joseph Caristena

Hi David,
I am developing an app for "goods inventory".
There are many items.
So I think that a report control is a good idea to show the items.
Each item has further details which can be shown on another page in this case
on a View.
Reason why I was asking
how can I connect a "RowClick" event to a View, using the "ShowView" or "ReplaceView".

Joseph Caristena


Hello Joseph,

Please, take a look at these apps samples: Report2, Report3, Report4, Report5 and Report7. All of them have a "Details" app's view, that is shown when the user click a Report's record row. Basically we can use the "ReportName.Record" variable in the "Details" app's view, in order to shown, for example, more information than we shown in the Report control.

Let me know if you have any further question after take a look at the refered samples. Then I will try to help you.

Joseph Caristena

Hi David,
Joseph Caristena


Hello to all,

Hi David,
Joseph Caristena

You're welcome Joseph!

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