How I can set a background image into an Container control?


For many months using app builder and changing the Container control styles is my problem.

it doesn't change or rather it doesn't give me option to select an image.

the outline color and width of container also didn't.

I have only succeeded in changing background color. How do i modify all these.



For many months using app builder and changing the Container control styles is my problem.

it doesn't change or rather it doesn't give me option to select an image.

the outline color and width of container also didn't.

I have only succeeded in changing background color. How do i modify all these.

Hope after many months of evaluating App Builder you consider it useful for you! About your first question, I did not understand what your problem is. Can you provide a little application sample to take a look? For sure if you set the appropiate code for the background image the container uses it.

About your second question, I am very sorry, but also can't understand what you wanted and what you get. What CSS code are you using? Or maybe are you using the Container's CSS properties from the Styles object inspector? Are you talking about designtime or runtime?

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