Is it possible to create custom components for App Builder? It would be great to be able to create components that could be added to the Tools Panel.
If it is possible how can the custom components be made ?
Is it possible to create custom components for App Builder? It would be great to be able to create components that could be added to the Tools Panel.
If it is possible how can the custom components be made ?
Hello John,
Right now we can's expand the controls pallette of App Builder by using some kind of plugins. We have the Javascript plugins, which can add actions to the actions pallette, or just perform some task, and, maybe also create certain control in an specific Container control, for example.
You can also create controls in runtime by yourself, of course. But probably these all did not answer positively your question, since is not exactly what you wanted. You can find more information about Javascript plugins in the help file, and, some samples (but useful) plugins are included with the App Builder installation, as well a plugin template.
Maybe you can explain a bit more what exactly you wanted, or may you have some specific questions about the currently available Javascript plugins for App Builder or how they works. Please, let me know if you have any further questions John!
Where can I find the Plugin Template that you mentioned ?
Hello John,
Sorry for the delay: I just miss this thread... You can take a look at the program options dialog and the Plugins tab. You can see there the Template plugin, and, an Explore button which allow you to open the plugin's directory. You can also pick it from the "AppBuilder" folder inside your User documents folder, which contains the program's Javascript plugins, config files, etc.
Hi David,
If I create a plugin where can I put my plugin so that it is picked up and included on the AppBuilder toolbar ?
Hello John,
The installation of an AB Javascript plugin only requires to copy the plugin folder in the AB plugins directory, which is placed in: /User documents/AppBuilder/.
Once you copy the plugin's directory you can see the plugin listed in the Plugins tab of the AB options dialog. You must check the plugin in the list in this options dialog.
After you do that, the plugin is available to use in your apps. But you must look at the Plugins tab of the app's options dialog and check also here the plugin(s) that you want to use.
After that the plugins' actions/functions can appear in the AB actions' toolbar and also are available in the editor's autocompletion menu.
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