Possible issue with Label's controls display

John Clarke
I have created a view with a label at the top. However, when I debug with a web browser I cannot see my Label. What could be causing this issue ?


Hello John,

Maybe something related with the app's dimensions... but without a bit more of information is difficult to figure can happen, John. Can you please send to me an E-Mail with an sample app in which I can see the problem?


Hello John,

After take a look at the publication sample that you send to me, I can see that you set the "body" CSS of the app to the color "#ffffff" (white). Note that the "body" background is also white. Since CSS works in a cascade style, the Label control inherits the "white" color for their text... and that's the reason for what you can't see the Label text: both text and background have the same color: white.

John Clarke
Thanks for solving that one.  

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