Report control cannot be left scrolling

Tinn Aphopchung

Can we set header to sticky when user scroll data up down?I have a problem,because my data have 8 columns.User need to slide left right to see data.They cannot slide on row.They can slide on header or on no data row.


Hello Tin,

I am not sure if can understand well. If a table exceeds the screen width, the user must have a way to scroll it, since the table cannot appear enterely in the screen without that. About the set the header "sticky", the point is that apparently there is not a way to do that in order to be worked in almost all browsers, like we wanted.

Tinn Aphopchung

Yes,I think that why they cannot slide to left side to see other column.Because it trick to row swipe event.When they slide to left on data row it not go scroll to other column.

So,another solution.Can we set swipe left or right on row not to happen?


Hello Tin,

Sorry, but, the problem is that I can't understand. Don't worry. With a little patience you finally can explain it to me. First of all, the swipe left and right events are options, you can use it or not, depend if you need it or not. But, the main point here can be the ability to scroll left the table, if the columns cannot be fit in the screen: I think this is the expected, because, if we can't scroll it... we simply can't view the other tables' columns.

So, if we want to avoid the scroll left (if this is what you wanted, I am not sure...) the only way is to reduce the number of columns in the table.

Tinn Aphopchung


I can scroll left by set report overflow to auto.

But I cannot scroll left when I scroll from row that have data on row.(look like it trick as swipe left event.)

And I always can scroll to left on header report perfectly.But header was hidden from report view when I scroll down if I have a lot of row data.(That why I ask how to stick it.)


Hello Tin,

But I cannot scroll left when I scroll from row that have data on row. (look like it trick as swipe left event.)

Can yo please sent to me an sample app in which I can see that?

Tinn Aphopchung

Download here

I remake your report10 sample.Please compile and run on android device.

And try to scroll to left on data row to see other column.It not functional.

but on header.I can scroll to left.But when scroll down header gone.


Hello Tin,

Thanks for the sample. Certainly, I can see what you say, and, it's a suprise to me, since I expect the right behaviour. Please, let me to investigate around and I will inform you here.

Tinn Aphopchung

I'm glad to here that you understand me.It occur in mobile.I investigating too.Keyword : bootstrap fix header table

Maybe some css trick..

But fix header was just a solution to solve,real problem still occur on row data that cannot scroll to left.


Hello Tin,

The sticky header is not a solution, and, as you mentioned, in fact the problem is other. Yes; you are right from the scratch: the problem is apparently related with the swipe events, even if you did not use it. The point that this did not occur previously, so, I am not quite sure how to fix the problem. But of course I will try it.


Hello Tin,

Finally I upgrade App Builder in order to try to fix the problem that you found. Certainly the problem is related with the Report's swipe left and right events. What I do for now is to avoid to refer to that events if we not really used it. Doing that the problem is fixed.

However, what if we want to use the swipe events? Then our report can't exceed the screen width, at least in touch screens and for now. If we stop to think a bit, certainly, if we wanted that events... we are stopping the scroll default behaviour...

Anyway, even when the issue can be probably considered solved (since the Report works now as expected, and, if we did not use the swipe events), probably I must work on this in the near future (due to some Javascript library update), and, maybe allows the swipe events also in this specific cases.

This, suposing that the above is possible... again, because, certainly, if we use the swipe events... we stop the default behaviour of the scroll, and, I don't know how to pass around this right now, if something like that is possible, and I am not sure right now if can be possible.

Thanks for your report Tin.

Tinn Aphopchung

Thanks,David.I think swipe in report not use right now. If in use we need to add transition effect after swipe too.

So,About stick header. Is it can be set? Or use some css?


Hello Tin,

The problem with the sticky header (I already try it) is that we can't use any CSS code that works like expected in most browsers. Maybe we can find something that works in some browser, but not in others. This is the cause for what the header don't have an "sticky" option.

Tinn Aphopchung
Thank you.I will find another solution,David. :)


Hello Tin,

Before my last post I try something, but, without lucky. However, I wan to take another look when possible.

Amin Mousavi
Hi Tin, With the sticky headers, I know it may sound very unprofessional but I think one way could be using some labels or images on top of the table. For the same problem I followed a different method, I was going to display more than 3 fields and even scrolling was not a good solution for me so I re-arranged the table display altogehter. so instead of this in the html: I used this: with some CSS you can control how your fields appear in the report control

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