Hello Paolo,
I am not sure if the Collapse component of Boostrap CSS can be useful for you. If so, it's possible to use their HTML "as is" in an AB HTML Content control and the Collapse component works as expected.
Another possible way can be to use a hidden AB control (maybe an HTML Content or a Container control) that can be shown / hidden when a Push button is pressed by the user.
May you can also implement the "Material project" that you linked, just trying like any other thirdparty Javascript code. If you decide to do this, just post here if you find some specific problem.Todo el mundo puede leer el foro de soporte de DecSoft para aprender del mismo, sin embargo, sólo los clientes de DecSoft pueden abrir nuevos hilos. Compre una o más licencias de productos de DecSoft y obtendrá este y otros beneficios.
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