Bulk or multiline comments in code editor

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,It is something I wanted to ask from the beginning but I hoped that I find the answer for it but could not. So in AB we can use // to comment a line, what about bulk commenting? I could not find any thing in the AB like /* */ in php for instance. Helps a lot some times!


Hello Amin,

I want to take a look, however, I can't promise nothing right now... remember that, certainly we only can use single line comments, but, we have a couple of buttons in the editor toolbar and the editor contextual menu to "comment" and to "uncomment" one or more lines. :-)


Hello Amin,

Please, upgrade your AB copy. As you can see, now we can use multiline comments in the code editor, just starting by /* and ending by */

Amin Mousavi

Hi David,

That's fantastic! this helps a lot some times!

Tinn Aphopchung

that what I looking for too.thanks.

Amin and David.


Hello to all,

That's good! Thanks Tin for use your avatar here in the support forum. :-)

P.S. Thanks also Amin for use your avatar! :-)

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