About Cordova Camera plugin configuration

Tinn Aphopchung
How to add allowEdit : true and Camera.EncodingType.JPEG I have a problem with all samsung phone camera(It rotate after take a picture. It have no properties in design time.So if I need to add via javascript code.How and what event to place code. ref https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/camera-wrong-orientation-with-android/8583/22 https://forum.ionicframework.com/t/camera-wrong-orientation-with-android/8583/21


Hello Tin,

We already uses JPEG instead of PNG. About the "AllowEdit", please, update your AB copy, now we can specify the "AllowEdit" option in both design and runtime. About the "rotation" issue, are you trying with the "Corrected" variable / option?

Tinn Aphopchung
Yes.I already try Correct = True.It not work for me.Most of samsung device still rotated.I will try AllowEdit and give a result. Thank you,David.#SamsungCameraRotateBug


Hello Tin,

We can use now the "AllowEdit" option, but, I think this is not related with your issue. If I am not wrong, in the past I get a similar issue, and, finally, searching around the web, I get a solution that rotate the picture (if needed) in the server side, using PHP code. Maybe this can be also done in the client side with a bit of Javascript.

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