Hello Adrian,
At a first view, the below is not exactly correct:
We must set the [Report1.Query] variable directly with [Date], using a SetVar action.
Maybe this is not especifically the "problem", but please, try the above, Adrian.
Hello again, Adrian,
On the other hand, maybe you need to place in the "[Report1.Query]" variable the date... but not an object. Maybe directly something like this:
Hello Adrian,
The point is that I am not sure about what data picker we are talking about, sorry... can you detail it a bit more?
Hello Adrian,
The input date is a bit particular. Certainly, we can do what you wanted, just with a code like the below one:
The above code set the date of a date input to 2018-12-14, tomorrow at this time. You can take a look at the "DateInput" sample. Also take a look at the "DateTime" sample.
Not only me (the Mozilla documentation refer it too) prefer to use something like the "DateInput" sample, that is, provide three Select controls for years, months and days, instead of deal with the date input particularities.
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