Hello David,
I can use a multi-dimensional array with JS, do AB actions have the same capability?
Thank you
Hello David,
I can use a multi-dimensional array with JS, do AB actions have the same capability?
Thank you
Hello Ava,
Can I ask what kind of multi-dimensional array do you want to create? In principle, we can use AB actions to add items to an existing Array... and that items can be another Arrays, Objects, etc. Anyway, it's nothing wrong to directly use a bit of Javascript if we wanted.
Hello David,
I need multi-dimensional array like this:
My problem was that when I define arrays with JS, my array is not global and I can not use it in other views!
Thank you
Hello Ava,
I think we can use AB actions, however, answering your "global array" question, in fact it's possible to do it, that is, you can prepare the Array in this variable, for example:
That array/variable is available in all the app's views and you can access to it using the above (Javascript) and also the AB variable notation: [MyArray]. For more information, take a look at the program's help file, in particular to the tutorial "External Javascript".
Hello David,
Yes, my problem was solved ≧°◡°≦
Thank you for being patient and helping me.
No problem! Glad to know that you got it. :-)
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