Build and publish app into the Apple Store

Kim Jong Feel

This is first time I build app for appstore, It's so hard.


Hello Kim,

I am sorry, but, maybe we can help in something. What kind of problems you have? What kind of need do you wanted? What platforms are your targets? Do you already compile your apps to APK, IPA, etc? In few words, maybe we can help you in specific problems or tasks... On the other hand, how to publish the apps in the different stores is something out of the scope of App Builder, that is, every apps store have their rules, instructions, etc. But all of these are documented by the apps stores itself, so, we need to refer to that stores in order to know how to proceed.

Kim Jong Feel
About Cordova iOS Menu. Where to find information to use in general tab and signing tab? Now I have apple dev account. But I don't know step how to compile app. Sorry I'm a newbie on Appstore.


Hello Kim,

Certainly AB do not full document the Cordova / iOS / General and Signing options. But they can be deduced from the iOS and Apple "worlds", to say like that.

So you need to search for information about what a "Bundle version", means in the Apple "world", as well what is the "App ID", the "Deployment target" and the "Target device". Here are examples for these fields:

The above is for the General options. The signing options are the same, that is, refers to things that we need and are more or less common in the Apple development world: "Code sign identity", "Development team", "Package type" and "Build blags".

The Signing options refers to things that you must have available in your Apple Developer account. So, for example, you must have created a "Code sign identity", and that is what you must place in the "Code sign identity" field.

The same for the other options: you must have one or more "Development teams" in your Apple Developer account, so you must place in the "Development team" field one of the availables. The "Package type" refers also to options provided by Apple: probably in your case you must choose the "app-store" value for this option.

The "Build flags" can contain... specific build flags to take in consideration when compile our apps in XCode. In principle you no need to fill this field, if you no need to use specific build flags. Below you can see a sample of build flags that we can use:

I hope this information can help you in some way. I must admit that there are not very well documented in App Builder, however, these options refers to Apple and iOS things, so they can be found documented in the Apple Developer website, we can find the right values from our Apple Developer account, etc.

Anyway, please, go ahead if you have any other specific question and we will try to help you.

Kim Jong Feel
Thank you, I will try.


Hello Kim,

You're welcome. Please, don't hesitate to post here (in this post or in a new one) any further questions.

Amin Mousavi
Hi Kim,
One trick that we learnt here might be of help to you too. Since all the machines we have are windows we had troubles using Xcode on VM. What we did then, was using a service names MAC on cloud, they have all the tools you need installed on their systems and you can rent the machine for a few hours, days or etc, Their prices are reasonable, so might worth trying. If you Google you will find a couple of them.


Hello to all,

Thanks for your reply, Amin. Certainly I have experience using a real Mac OS computer, and, except for the Apple Developer stuff that must be ready (App ID, Team ID, etc.), I am very happy about how we can debug and finally archive (publish) the app in XCode. The things is quite easy once Apache Cordova is ready, we only need to use one of the AB produced SHELL files and that's all, an XCode project is created and can be opened in order to debug and archive the app.

I mention that because, certainly, I have no experience using virtual machines, Phonegap, etc. The only thing that I can say is that, at least using a real Mac OS computer (that is probably what you suggested too, since you talk about rent a real Mac OS), it's quite easy and pleasant to work. Again, the only possible stuck come from the Apple Developer account and their required stuff, like to prepare the certificates to be used, etc.

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