Hello Amin,
I understand what you wanted, however, I am not sure if we can got it. Let me to explain. AB allows to choose the first app's view in designtime, and then, in runtime, the appropriate "router" is prepared for the app. In that router AB specify the first view (and default view) according to designtime. Change that route code is possible, since it's in the app's code, but, change it programatically... it's another thing...
I want to continue thinking on that, but, before, please, can you try something that can may be useful? Try to use the "Animation" variable of the first view and also the others who can be loaded. Set this "Animation" to "fadeIn" in designtime. The intention of this is to get a better "view shown" for the user. But I am not sure if this can be solve exactly what you wanted.
On the other hand, maybe the required work (in order to modify the app's route in some way... if possible...), to be honest I don't see anything wrong in your approach: show the main app's view, which can simply shown some spinner or animated GIF or something like that, and then redirect to the user to the right app's view, maybe not automatically, so the user can see that something is loading... and then we load it.
Since maybe the "views change" can be a little abrupt, I suggest to use the "fadeIn" animation. If this is not enough for you, just post it here and maybe we can continue thinking in some possible way to deal with the app's router in runtime.
Hello Amin,
I try some things here but without lucky yet. Just to remark something... maybe the main app's view can be shown for a couple of seconds... maybe the main app's view Show event must start a timer that, in a couple of seconds, redirect to the right other view. The point is that we let the main view a little in the screen, showing the animated GIF, the FontAwesome spinner, maybe a progress bar... something that solve the possible abrupt change between one view and another.
Hello Amin,
NO problem. I am happy to help when possible. :-)
Hello Amin,
Please, upgrade your AB copy to the latest release. Take a look at the changes. With the new release of AB and their new stuff, it's possible to determine the default app's view at runtime. Take a look at the new "StartEvent" sample and tell me what do you think about. I hope that the new AB stuff can be useful for you and other customers too. :-)
Hi David,
Great stuff, thanks a lot. I tried defaultview, very straight forward and serves our purpose very well!
Talking to my colleague this morning after finished the testing, you give your customers the feeling that they have a system specially made for them! thanks for the exceptional support David!
Hello Amin,
Thanks for your kindly words! :-)
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