Hello Amin,
It's difficult to say, but, I think that if you get it working in Android... and in the browser, they must works more or less in the same way in iOS. Maybe you are using icons for the tabs? I know that sometimes "only icons" can cause some issue to get a good "click"... that is, is better to use and icon plus some text in a button, for example, instead only the icon.
But certainly I don't know how to help you, Amin... Maybe you can start trying with an empty app, a sample app, to be tried in iOS, trying to reproduce the problem, or looking how to get the best result. I can try to test here such sample app too. I have one specified app working in iOS without problems' reports... so maybe the icons, the tabs... (maybe changes the tabs for other control like buttons, if possible?)...
What I don't think is that latest AB releases or Cordova releases break something like that,... which of course is rare too, if previously is working more or less as expected... maybe you can try also with this Cordova WKWebView Engine plugin? I must recognize that never try it... but never find problems in iOS using the default Cordova webview...
Yeah... too much bla, bla, bla... not to say too much, but honestly I don't know how to help... of course I try your online sample... and works perfectly fine in Firefox... so they must work more or less in a similar way in iOS and other platforms too!
Hello Amin,
If I understand well, you use the "Suppresses3DTouchGesture" option in config.xml? It's causing issues? Why you use it? Since I can't see it here in the config.xml that AB creates... ??
Hello Amin,
Certainly I am not very sure about what to do in AB for this case. Why if you use, for this specific case, Javascript events, instead of the AB controls? That is, is perfectly possible to prepare a code like the below one in your app view's Show event:
Can be a way to deal with it, Amin, if certainly the above event handler can do the job?
Below is a sample app that shown the above working in a sample button control. Copy the below code and save it in a file named "Sample.ab", then open this file with App Builder and run the app:
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