Media controls in notifications area

Asley Cruz

Hi David,

Have a llok the image below

I would like my app showes in the notification if my app is playing any soung.

Any idea ? Many thanks.

Graphic & Web Designer

My app: AC Biblia

My game: AC Trivlia


Hello Asley,

Doing something like that means that we must use some Apache Cordova plugin, like cordova-music-controls-plugin.

Asley Cruz
Yes David, I have a iframe to load a music from a radio station and would like to pause and stop the music from an audio tag within the iframe.
Hope to find the way to make it works :)

Graphic & Web Designer

My app: AC Biblia

My game: AC Trivlia


Hello Asley,

Honestly I don't know if the iframe place of the audio tag can be a problem or not... you must try it! Read the plugin's documentation and then made some tests, Asley: if you have any problem or need any specific help, just post here and we will try to help.

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