Hi David,
Little many trying I could not get the *.apk signed. What is the wayout?
Without signing it I can not upload the *.apk on Google Store.
This work:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:\Users\PCNAME_USERNAME\desktop\appkey.keystore -alias MyKey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Not working
jarsigner -verbose -keystore c:\Users\PCNAME_USERNAME\desktop\appkey.keystore -storepass Password1 -keypass Password1 c:\Users\PCNAME_USERNAME\desktop\MyApps.apk MyKey
I can't understand... you are saying the post you publish do not work?
I can't understand... you are saying the post you publish do not work?
Yes, step 1 work but this did not work
jarsigner -verbose -keystore c:\Users\PCNAME_USERNAME\desktop\appkey.keystore -storepass Password1 -keypass Password1 c:\Users\PCNAME_USERNAME\desktop\MyApps.apk MyKey
Hello edunt,
Sincerely I can't help you at this time. I can only refer you to the Google Play Store instructions for signed APK files.
Hello edunt,
Sincerely I can't help you at this time. I can only refer you to the Google Play Store instructions for signed APK files.
Hi David,
Thanks, but that wouldn't help because I tried it before.
Look for some tutorial around the web edunt! At least one of my customers signing their APKs, since they published such applications into the Google Play Store. So for sure we can sign APK files, but we need to search around how to do it, possible problems while triying, etc. Unfortunatelly I can't help because I not need to sign any APK before.
Hi David,
That is what I am doing, but the problem is there is no release-unsigned.apk file generated. If there is released-unsigned.apk then I will be able to signed file.
Have a look at the apk files generated. It suppose to be three (3).
I am not in my PC right now, but, if I am not wrong, we get three files instead two. Are you sure you get two APK files instead three?
I am not in my PC right now, but, if I am not wrong, we get three files instead two. Are you sure you get two APK files instead three?
Yes, I am 100% sure I got two files. I have a been checking the Cordova apache setup if that is where the problem is.
I am also 99.9% sure I got three files edunt... please, let me to be in my PC and I will take a look.
You have reason edunt, there are two APK files. I am confused due to the other TXT file. On the other hand, I think you can sign debug APK, but, if you want a release, then open the BAT generated file and replace this line:
... by this other:
I am working in a solution in order to prepare also the release APK files in addition to the debug ones.
Ok. I updated App Builder and now, when we choose the option to create Apache Cordova Batch files, the program creates two BAT files, one for debug purposes and one other ready for release. Probably you have reason and we can't use a debug APK, or, at least, we must use a release APK instead. This is what we get now:
Update your App Builder copy edunt.
Hi David,
Well done. It would be nice to have single *.bat file that will have this script instead of two batch file.
REM Add the Android platform for our app
CALL cordova platform add android
REM Add the Whitelist plugin for our app
CALL cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist
REM Add the Network plugin for our app
CALL cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information
REM Build our app for the Debug Android platform
CALL cordova build android
REM Build our app for the Android platform
CALL cordova build --release android
REM Pause the script execution, so we can view the script results
Why build a debug and a release versions if we only need one of them? For that reason I separate the build in two files, one for debug, one for release. Maybe another approach can be taken, but build the application twice can be a waste of time, specially the first time we build an application.
You are look at it as a developer and I am looking at it as a software development standard.
Debug version is useful for something else i.e Developer, for me it is okay, but novice is something that can mislead them.
In my opinion the point is that build an application two times is more expensive than build the application one time. Not too much words to said, except that, since we need the release build ONLY when we are ready to upload the application into the Google Play Store, I think build an application's release everytime is a waste of time and resources.
Do you really thing we need both debug and release APKs during the application's development?
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