Hello Asley,
There is various things to take in consideration here, in my opinion. We can take three different approaches, with their own pros and cons.
1º We can just use a Timer, and do the job when our app is in foreground, that is, when the user is really use our app. You can use app's events like Pause and Resume, in order to stop / start the timer, respectively. Doing this you are very user friendly, since your app works just when the user wanted.
2º You can use a Cordova plugin in order to keep awake the device screen. Doing this your app continue working in foreground, but, force the screen to be on. This approach is less user friendly than before, since the device's battery is drained with the screen.
3º You can use user a Cordova plugin in order to be your app working also in background. This is probably the worst way, since: A) the plugin's author already advise that the stores (Google Store, for example) can reject an app that uses this kind of plugin. If you no need to distribute the app trough the store, maybe you can try with this plugin.
So you need to take care and choose the best approach as possible. Think on it. And, of course, follow the linked plugins, in order to read their documentation, try with their samples, etc. Then post here if you have any specific question. :-)
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