Mediaplayer Loop

Amin Mousavi

Hi David,

For some reason when I set Loop on media player True, it does not repeat the media, it used to work fine!

To explain the context a bit better, I have 4 media players but only two of them work simultaneously, one play the background music and one of the others play something else once on in while and they all play only mp3. I used to have 2 media players but some times media sources had to be changed so quickly that was too quick for media player to load the other mp3, hence I used 4 media players! I appreciate your advice on how I can fix media player loop issue.


Hello Amin,

I am not an expert in media files (which are an entire world...) but probably the issue is related with the media file itself, or maybe the browser... let me to explain. The "loop" option works... so, if for some specific media file the "loop" option don't work, the cause (if I am not wrong) is the media file itself, maybe the server who serve the media file... but not specifically the media player control... who work with other files...

Yes; I know that may the above answer is not the best... but may you can investigate around the used media files, Amin, specifically the media files who don't work... maybe in comparisson with the media files who work. Please, post here if you discover something... or if you have any other further question.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

Thanks for your quick responses as always David :) I don't think it is because of the media, it is local and I used the below JS code instead of AB media player and it works fine. I can not think of any thing really that why loop in my media player does not work!


Hello Amin,

Maybe not the media file but how the media file is served? You mention a "local file"... maybe this have something to say... on the other hand, if you can find a way to reproduce the problem in a sample app, I can try to take a look too, so maybe we can see what happen.

Amin Mousavi
Hi David,

Tried to reproduce the error for you but out of the environment everything works fine. Anyhow, the JS piece fixed it for me, I had tried changing the variable names and so but no success, I think it is one of the bugs the is fixed but we never know why it was not working in the first place, I hate the sound of it but time pressure is high and we need to power through :) thanks a mill for your great help and support as always :)


No problem, Amin!

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