Error when testing

Peter Bradstreet
Hi, I have an issue with testing using firefox or chrome. The app builds properly in the internal browser and no issues are shown in the console. When I test in Firefox the window doesn't always load fully and there is an error message displayed in AB:.

If I clear the message then the browser typically loads with no further issues. Sometimes though I might get this error up to 10 or 12 times before it is fine. I have also noticed that if I close AB and then restart it, I won't get the error initially the first time that I test in Firefox or Chrome.

Is there something that I should be doing to try and troubleshoot this error? It doesn't stop me from working but it is very inconvenient. Also, while I think of it, I find that whenever I click on an element such as a button in AB in a view in order to access the code behind it, it almost always jumps vertically about 8 pixels and the first thing that I have to do each time is to fix the 'top' value. Am I doing something wrong or is there a preferred way of selecting an element without moving it. Again, not a dealbreaker but it can get frustrating.



Hello Peter,

Yes; we know about that error, and, just today expend a couple of hours trying to reproduce it... without lucky. We made certain change and publish a new release of the product, following to avoid that annoying error. We need to continue trying to reproduce it in order to fix it.

About the designer problem, again, we recognize that that problem exists and is annoying too. Another thing to take in consideration in order to search for a possible solution, for sure.

Peter Bradstreet
No worries, I was just concerned that it was because of something that I had done to cause the errors. No rush... Pete


Hello Peter,

Nope. It's not something you are doing wrong! We need to sit down and continue trying to reproduce the "access violation". And yes, we must also take a look at the designer problem. So what happen? The time, I supose... working hard in certain project that I hope you enjoy too! But certainly this must not be a cause to forget the other things to do.

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