Determine if date was removed from date picker

Peter Bradstreet
Hi David,

I am using the date picker that is displayed in the DateInput2 example. In my app I need to act conditionally based on whether the due date is set or not.

If you add a button to your sample app and put this code on click: VarIsUndefined "datePickerValue" "Result" AlertBox "[Result]" "primary" You can see that this detects whether a date is selected or not properly. However, if you select a date and then either clear the date manually or press Pick->Clear the 'Result' is 'False' meaning that it thinks that there is still a date selected.

Any idea how I could detect that they have cleared the date ?


Peter Bradstreet
A little more info. In DateInput2 there are 3 scenarios for the value of 'datePickerValue'
1. date has not been selected yet: datePickerValue = "undefined"
2. date has been selected: datePickerValue = timestamp for date selected
3. date was selected and then cleared out: datePickerValue = "null"
So it seems that I need to look to see if the value of datePickerValue is either 'undefined' or 'null'. Could you please let me know what the correct syntax is for 2 conditions?
If "a" "==" "a" or "b" "==" "b" Do something here EndIf


Hello Peter,

Something like the below one?

Peter Bradstreet
Perfect thanks. Pete


No problem! :-)

Peter Bradstreet
Just in case anybody has a future use for this, there were a couple of typos in David's code. The correct code should be:


Hello Peter,

Yes; you are right... :-/

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