Migrating to new AB

Peter Bradstreet
Hi David,

As first steps in determining whether I will migrate the app that I am working on over to the new AB I am checking to see if there is anything that is going to cause me issues. I have been looking at the new documentation and am comparing actions in the old AB to methods in the new AB. (i.e. AlertBox = app.showToast() )

There seem to be a few actions that I have been using fairly extensively that I have not found a corresponding method for in the new AB. For example, how is local storage handled such as SetOption and GetOption? Do I need to reference VueJS documentation in order to find the right syntax?

Thanks, Pete


Hello Peter,

Yes; The intention is to add more methods to the "app", for example, the methods that you refer to deal with the app local storage. However, the important point is that with the new DecSoft App Builder we are always talking about Javascript code, so, take a look at the below Javascript code:

As you can see, deal with the app local storage is already more or less easy. So, more methods can be expected in the "app", but, remember that we are now deal always with Javascript, so, can use the right Javascript, instead of "actions" that then must be translated to the right Javascript, etc.

I understand this can be a bit harder for a newbie (since more or less Javascript knowledge is required), but, the intention is that AB users go ahead, and, learn Javascript, since, that not only can be used in the new DecSoft App Builder, but in other possible environments, of course.

About VueJS, since it's the framework used in the new AB, yes, can be good to learn about it. For example, learn about the VueJS "template sintax", that we can use inside the Html property of the HTML control, for example.

Peter Bradstreet
Perfect thanks. I am totally fine with finding what I need in the VueJS documentation and run with it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


No problem, Peter, please, don't hesitate to post any further questions.


Hello Peter,

Just for your information, the current release of the new DecSoft App Builder, included the below new methods, in order to deal with the app local storage:

I hope that can be useful! :-)

Peter Bradstreet
You are the man!

Thanks! ;-)

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