Program Register

Paolo Lops
Hi David, i have problems to register the last new version of App Builder : 2020.19 64 bit can you help me?


Hello Paolo,

If you are trying to use the license of the previous (but still available) DecSoft App Builder, that can't work, in other words, the new DecSoft App Builder requires a different license, Paolo. If you want to purchase a license of the new DecSoft App Builder, contact me, since there is a discount for currently DecSoft App Builder customers. You can also download the previous DecSoft App Builder from your DecSoft customer area, from the "Releases" tab.

Todo el mundo puede leer el foro de soporte de DecSoft para aprender del mismo, sin embargo, sólo los clientes de DecSoft pueden abrir nuevos hilos. Compre una o más licencias de productos de DecSoft y obtendrá este y otros beneficios.

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