Controls Enable and Disable

Ryan Sytsma

I am seeing that in all cases, this code will set controls as disabled = true.

This code is in the "ItemClick" event and the "Change" event. The default setting of [selectContract] Disabled = False

The control will alsays go from not disabled to disabled, but not toggle depending on the value typed in the typeAheadCustomer control.


Hello Ryan,

To enable a control, we must set his "Disabled" property to an empty string, because any other value means "disable" the control.

This disable the control:

And this other enable the control:

Additionally, you can use the "Disable" and "Enable" actions.

Ryan Sytsma
Ok, thank you. Disable and Enable functions were not working for me.


Hello Ryan,

Maybe we can find the problem with the Enable and Disable actions, since it's works here as expected. Maybe you need to use the ApplyModel action after Enable / Disable the control?

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